
C-33 An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

Vote topic

That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following: “Bill C-33, An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, be not now read a third time but be referred back to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-food for the purpose of reconsidering Clause 2 with a view to making sure that both economic and environmental effects of introducing these regulations do not cause a negative impact on the environment or unduly influence commodity markets.”.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 63
Bloc NDP
No 173
Conservative Liberal
Paired 18


Didn't vote John Baird
Didn't vote Leon Benoit
Didn't vote Maxime Bernier
Didn't vote Lawrence Cannon
Didn't vote Rick Casson
Didn't vote Joe Comuzzi
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Paired Randy Kamp
Didn't vote Gary Lunn
Didn't vote James Lunney
Didn't vote Bob Mills
Didn't vote Brian Pallister
Didn't vote Joe Preston
Didn't vote James Rajotte
Didn't vote Vic Toews




Didn't vote Larry Bagnell
Didn't vote Don Bell
Didn't vote Scott Brison
Didn't vote Gerry Byrne
Didn't vote John Cannis
Didn't vote Brenda Chamberlain
Didn't vote Ruby Dhalla
Didn't vote Michael Ignatieff
Didn't vote Marlene Jennings
Didn't vote Jim Karygiannis
Didn't vote Lawrence MacAulay
Didn't vote Paul Martin
Didn't vote Bill Matthews
Didn't vote Joe McGuire
Didn't vote Dan McTeague
Didn't vote Peter Milliken
Didn't vote Massimo Pacetti
Didn't vote Lucienne Robillard
Didn't vote Anthony Rota
Didn't vote Michael Savage
Didn't vote Raymond Simard
Didn't vote Scott Simms
Didn't vote Belinda Stronach
Didn't vote Andrew Telegdi
Didn't vote Robert Thibault
Didn't vote Roger Valley
Didn't vote Tom Wappel
Didn't vote Bryon Wilfert
