Vote topic

That the House do now proceed to the Orders of the Day.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 149
No 117
Bloc NDP Liberal Green


Didn't vote Mike Allen
Didn't vote John Baird
Didn't vote Ed Fast
Didn't vote Jim Flaherty
Didn't vote Steven Fletcher
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Bryan Hayes
Didn't vote Randy Kamp
Didn't vote Mike Lake
Didn't vote Ryan Leef
Didn't vote Joe Oliver
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Bruce Stanton
Didn't vote Rodney Weston
Didn't vote John Williamson


Didn't vote Malcolm Allen
Didn't vote Niki Ashton
Didn't vote Tarik Brahmi
Didn't vote Ryan Cleary
Didn't vote Nathan Cullen
Didn't vote Paul Dewar
Didn't vote Fin Donnelly
Didn't vote Réjean Genest
Didn't vote Bruce Hyer
Didn't vote Pat Martin
Didn't vote Thomas Mulcair
Didn't vote Peggy Nash
Didn't vote Romeo Saganash
Didn't vote Jinny Sims
Didn't vote Kennedy Stewart
Didn't vote Mike Sullivan




Didn't vote Peter Goldring
