First of all, I haven't seen what you have there, so I can't address it directly, but if we look at what we have in slide 4 on anhydrous ammonia, it refers to the U.S., in U.S. dollars, at $705 to $722. That is f.o.b., which means it's without freight.
If you look below, we've identified the cost of rail freight as typically being $80 to $90 per metric tonne. That would be to get it to a distribution terminal from a manufacturing plant, at which point it then has to be trucked to the retailer at an additional cost of probably $25 to $40 per tonne. And then you have the handling and distribution from the retailer to the farmer, at which point you might say it's comparable with the U.S. supply situation. You have to look at the context in which the price is being quoted.
I agree that with anhydrous ammonia it is not “easy” to move it across the border because of security regulations. In Canada, the manufacturers have a mutual aid emergency response program to address any truck rollovers, train derailments, and so on. This is something they've invested in for their marketplace, and this costs money. Those manufacturers have also told retailers that they will not supply retailers with anhydrous ammonia if they do not have a facility and the training standards for their employees that meet the ammonia code of practice, and this was set by the Fertilizer Safety & Security Council. These are safety and training requirements that must be met.