I agree with that comment you made. We need to learn from the rules what happened with BSE and the over-reliance on one market, and we also need to understand what happens when the market gets shut down. I guess that would explain why the minister is going around the world opening up markets for cuts of beef that we don't eat here and stuff like that.
I guess that would also explain why he has a $40 million or $50 million fund sitting there in the budget, sitting in front of the Liberal Senate trying to get approved, but hopefully it will get approved some day and hopefully you guys can access it to do some of the improvements that you want to do. I think it's important to have that competition, not only within Canada, but to have that packing capacity to export that beef throughout the world.
Would there be anything else you would suggest the minister should be doing to help out? I know you talked about some of the regulations and some of those issues there, and I know I've brought regulations up a couple of times in our scheduling and I've asked each group to table any regulations that they see are counterproductive or giving them an unfair burden compared to the competition around the world. And maybe I don't have enough time, but if you can table those to us, we'd really appreciate that.