No. Understood.
To go back to the objective, first of all, the bill is intended first to have a very clear statement of intent by the federal government about having high standards to protect consumers. Second, it contains additional high standards that are being set in the bill. Part of that process is actually enhancing the standard for complaint handling bodies.
What we do with a complaint handling body is that they actually apply to the FCAC, the federal consumer regulator. They apply and submit applications according to expectations that this consumer regulator has set, and it is the consumer regulator that actually assesses whether they've met the standard. Indeed, after the assessment, they follow up as well, in order to continue to maintain that standing to be a complaint handling body.
As an example of where the standards are constantly reviewed by the FCAC to ensure they are being met, I'm using the complaint handling example. It isn't just that they are set, but that they are actually followed up on as well. The FCAC is very active in their supervision of banks to ensure they're meeting the standards.
In your example, sure, you could do that. You could go back and seek redress, if you wish, from the bank. You could say to the bank that you were overcharged, and you could ask to use the internal process. You could go to a bank and you could use their internal ombudsman process and say that they overcharged you.
In regard to that, I looked at some stats today in the case of one bank in particular. For example, 98% of the cases that were brought to the attention of that bank's ombudsman were resolved to the satisfaction of the customer. That compares to the example you gave, which is that 98% of customers get satisfaction right away.
In addition, the FCAC is sitting on top of that and watching to make sure that consumers are protected. Every consumer has a helping hand here. They don't have to do this by themselves. They actually have a federal regulator that is making sure the rules are protecting them.