We are talking about the reuse of single-use devices. If it sounds like an oxymoron it's because it is.
The idea from our perspective is that if a product is for single use there should be good reasons that it's for single use and it should be labelled as such. We do have symbols on medical devices and wording on medical devices for products that are for single use.
Sometimes those products that are for single use are then reused, reprocessed, and refurbished. Some of those are legitimate. For example, in a hospital if you have surgery that's taking place and you have a number of total knee replacements and you open up different sizes. If you don't use them they can be re-sterilized and used again.
The concerns that are coming now is if you actually send it off to a facility and they somehow change that device, so it's not longer that same device, or there might be new risks that are introduced.
From Health Canada's perspective, if a product can be safely reused and reprocessed, then the company that manufactures it is in that unique position to know all about that product and to be able to tell us this is how it should be reused or reprocessed and that should be on the label.