Any time that you can signal to a consumer what actual service they're buying.... You might realize that, hey, 50/10 is fine, and you don't need 100 by 100. Is that a cheaper service? The problem is that you don't even know what you're buying, and you don't know when it's being controlled. You don't know what to expect. It's like a game of Russian roulette. You do not have the information to make that informed decision.
When you do, you'll be able to make that decision, and you might not pick the highest package because it's so expensive or because you just simply don't need it.
When you're looking at different countries, it's quite interesting to see how they pan it all out and say that, if you're a gamer, you need this, and if you're just on Netflix in the evening watching movies, this is what you need. There are ways of doing it. The industry describes it all the time. It is there. They just have to start doing it.