When we work with international partners on building civilian capacity of states in conflict and security sector reform, we're very conscious of the need not just to ensure that there is an understanding by judges and police of how to prosecute and how to investigate crimes against women—they are specific to women—but we're also pushing hard to make sure there's a victim's perspective brought into it, including after prosecutions.
Then it segues over into a lot of our development assistance to figure out how we improve the place of women in society and economic opportunities for women.
So it's part of a continuum. When we work on security sector reform, we're also working side by side with CIDA to try to make sure there's a segue into other programs that would help women. We're doing that across the board, not just on sexual violence but on trafficking in women, etc.
I think Jill is prepared to speak to child soldiers, if that's all right.