With respect to referrals to the committee, there are two types of referrals: mandatory and discretionary.
The classes of files that must come to the committee are prescribed in regulation. They are administrative action that affects finances, so forfeitures or deductions from pay; Canadian Armed Forces policies related to political activities, harassment, pay and allowances, and entitlement to medical and dental care; and decisions the CDS has made that are personal decisions.
Those are the mandatory cases they have to refer to us, but other types of cases are discretionary.
With careers, for example, the chief has a decision to make based on whether he or she feels there would be value with the committee and whether he or she feels we have the capacity. That is completely discretionary. How they choose in between, I'm not entirely sure.
We receive all the mandatory files and, up until last year, all the discretionary files. We're receiving far fewer of them this year.