I'll start with that part first.
When your front lines are cut to the tune of about 900, 400 is not enough. I will say that 100%. As clear as day, 400 is not going to be enough. We teetered with the 900. Before we were cut, we were kind of teetering. We had to be very reactive because we were pretty much understaffed at that time, so when those were cut, we literally could not meet our mandate at that time. Giving us back 400 is not necessarily going to put us where we need to be.
On the first part, there were several situations when it came to the reopening of the offices. I do commend the government, and I commend the department especially, for the work they've done in getting these offices open. The reality of the situation is that we didn't own all the locations any longer, so we had to go through a kind of procurement process in some places.
The problem I have with the offices is more that this was supposed to be about veterans. What I'm seeing right now, and the unnerving thing for me, is that it seems to be extremely politicized. We knew it was going to be politicized regardless, but it seems to be too politicized, and the intended purpose doesn't necessarily seem to show that we're meeting that target as of right now. That's just my opinion.