Madam Speaker, it is an honour to stand again in the House, this place where Canadians look for leadership, for the proper fiscal management of the country, to speak to Bill C-76, the budget implementation act.
I must share with everyone that I have considerable frustration in this place. Since being elected to the House I am convinced that one reason we have the huge problem of debt is that we lack an effective mechanism to control it. The reason is simple. Governments basically respond to their election platform and rightly so.
Taking it back one step, unfortunately during election campaigns we have trained Canadian voters to be very selfish. Over the last 30 years we have assisted Canadian voters to not make prudent fiscal decisions but simply ones that appeal to their greed. My observa-
tion is that this has happened at all levels of government. I know it happened in Alberta for a number of years. Albertans were persuaded by politicians to vote in favour of spending their money in order to put the party into power that promised the most using the taxpayers' money.
It never made sense to me. I feel to this day that politicians who engage in that practice somehow are being unfair to the Canadian public. What kind of an option is it to give a person when one party says: "Vote for us and we will give you these benefits" and another party says: "If you vote for us we will not give you those things". People will vote for the party that will give them the most.
I am very happy that has now turned around. I am happy that a sizeable proportion of Canada's population is beginning to face reality. People are voting for and electing members who stand on a policy of fiscal responsibility, of reducing government spending, of reducing the amount borrowed each year, of reducing the debt and hopefully in the long run of reducing the amount of taxation.
It is a false assumption that if the government stops taxing the taxpayers or borrowing against the future taxes of our children and grandchildren somehow our economy will suffer. That very process erodes our economy more than if we were to stop doing it.
We need to stop and think what happens when we as a country borrow money. We borrow a certain proportion from ourselves and it stays in the country. Presumably it stays in circulation and aids the economy. When people clip coupons from their Canada savings bonds and collect the interest, they may use the money for goods and services which adds to our economy.
Canada also borrows a great deal of money offshore. Every year it sends large amounts of money for interest out of the country. It is only logical that if it did not have a foreign debt then that money would stay in the country and would not just disappear.
Members need to be very serious in responding to what is the new fiscal wisdom of Canadian taxpayers in electing parliamentarians who are committed to reducing government expenditures and taxes. In the west where many Reformers were elected, it was the pivotal point in the platform which attracted a lot of voters. I hasten to add that to a certain degree it was what attracted voters who voted Liberal because the Liberals also included in their red book promises of more honesty in government, more openness and better fiscal responsibility. They promised it but what needs to be asked is whether they are actually delivering it.
Here again I want to be as gentle as I can but I must also as honestly as possible, level with the Canadian people on what is actually happening.
I have referred to some of these numbers in a previous speech but they bear repeating. When speaking of millions of dollars some people understand, but when speaking of billions a lot of people do not have the insight on what a number of that magnitude means. A good way of explaining it has to do with what happens if a person has a lot of money and is able to spend a dollar every second.
If I had a million dollars it would take approximately 11 and a half days to spend it at one dollar per second. If I had a billion dollars and I was spending it at the same rate it would take 32 years. When you put that into perspective you realise that the government is still overspending this year in the budget which we are being asked to approve, more than $32 billion. That is how much the government is borrowing in addition to the present debt. People need to grab hold of the magnitude of the problem, its severity and its urgency.
If you have ever done any boating you will know that if you have a hole in the hull the water will come in. Depending on the size of that hole, it may be insufficient to take a little cup to bail out the water because the water may be getting too deep to bail. Maybe what you need to do is to plug the hole. You need to put something into the hole to prevent the water from coming in.
The same thing is true with the national debt. The debt is so large and the interest payments on that debt are increasing at a rate over which we have no control. It is true the government is borrowing less now than it did last year. Can I be so brave as to commend the government for borrowing $32 billion this year instead of the $40 billion that it borrowed the year before?
Let us also put this into perspective. A good way to compare this is to use straight ratio and proportion. Let us consider the debt picture, the expenditure picture and the borrowing picture as it might relate to a family. I have used some of these numbers before.
A $120 billion expenditure, which is approximately what the government spent on programs three years ago, might equate to a family expenditure of $48,000. At that time the government was borrowing $40 billion, which equates to $16,000 borrowed by the family. Everyone understands this family is in trouble. Its income is $48,000 but it has spent $64,000. It has borrowed $16,000 in order to make up the difference.
It is true that the picture is now a little better. Instead of earning $48,000, this family is now earning about $52,000. Lo and behold, the borrowing, which has gone down to $12,800, results in a total value of $64,800. It has actually gone up.
However, the frightening thing is that in proportion, this family, with an income of $48,000 per year in 1992, would have had a debt in proportion to the Canadian debt of $168,000. The government was elected in the fall of 1993. After one year the debt had grown from $168,000 in proportion for this family to
$184,000 and now in proportion to $220,000. Clearly we are not heading in the right direction.
Somehow I wish we could impress the government with a better sense of the urgency of attacking government spending faster than it is because the water is still coming into the boat at a rate considerably faster than it is able to bail it out. The budget needs to be balanced and it needs to happen fast.
One of the problems is the mechanism of approving the budget. In my view and I believe in the view of most Reformers and probably a number of Liberals and some of the members from the Bloc, certainly many constituents have expressed to us that it is just not good enough. Is it not then regrettable that we have an inability to actually represent that?
The member for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce has made the news because he has had the courage to stand up against the government's policy on the budget and is voting against it. He is voting against it for completely opposite reasons from where I am coming from, but he believes that he is representing his constituents. That puts a finger right on the problem. The person who says this budget is not good enough ought not to be making news. He should be simply applauded because he is in the majority.
I do not often dream at night because I have late nights and early mornings here, as we all do, and usually when I hit the pillow I am unconscious, but I had a little dream last night. This is a fictitious dream, because I do not want to tell a lie.
I dreamed that in the House we actually had individually the freedom to vote on the budget as we really believed. I wonder what proportion of the members in the governing party would, if there were absolutely no ramifications to their decision, honestly express themselves and actually say: "No, this budget is not quite good enough". I really wish that members could have that freedom in the House. If they did, with that would come a mechanism which would force the bureaucrats, those who drive the agenda here in Ottawa, to go back and say: "Look, we need to do some more cutting. We can be more efficient. We can save money".
Members of my party have identified many areas where there is rampant wastage. It is not attributable to the government now. It is just the way it has always been done. The government, with its majority, have it in its power to fix it if it would only have the courage. I wish it would. Perhaps my dream will come true. Perhaps tonight there will be sufficient numbers of the governing party that will say: "I will stand on principle and I am going to vote the way I really believe".
I will respect those people who vote in favour of the budget if they honestly, truly believe that this is the best way to manage the fiscal affairs of the country. I have no problem if they vote in favour of the budget because of that honest and sincere belief.
I have a tremendous problem with people who believe that it is not good enough but who do not have the freedom to so express themselves. To me that is an aberration of the democratic process and is the root cause of the huge debt, the deficit, the huge interest payments, payments of $40 billion plus per year. These payments would be more than adequate to provide a wonderful health care system, to subsidize adequately the post-secondary education and give Canadians the ability to invest in the future of our country and in the future of these young Canadians.
It is a missed opportunity. Let us blame the past. Let us say that it was the governments of the past that did this to us. That is fine. It does not really matter who did it. As it says in the good book, the borrower is a slave to the lender and we have become slaves to the national debt. The member for Willowdale who just spoke pointed out very clearly-he did not use the word obscenity, but I will use it-the obscenity of the fact that $1 in $3 is used for paying the interest on the debt. I really wish we did not have that.
The politicians of the last 30 years, which is before most of us were here, so arranged the affairs of the country that we now have the problem and we have to deal with it.
I sincerely hope that my little three-year old grandson can some day say: "My grandpa when he stood in the House of Commons was able to persuade members on the government side to have courage and he thereby helped to save this country from going even deeper and deeper into debt".
We would set a tremendous precedent if this happens tonight. If enough members of the House of Commons would have the courage to vote against the budget I believe it would be the first time that it would have ever happened. It would be headline news tomorrow. It would say we finally have in Ottawa a group of people who stand on principle, who do what is right.
The government has failed to attack the problem of government spending. Instead it has replaced that by adding additional revenues. I am very much offended by measures like the rescinding of the Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act. I believe it is very unfair.
This is a country where we believe in free enterprise, where we know that business has built this country. It is extremely unfair to think of two Canadians standing side by side, one of them buying natural gas or electricity from a utility that is owned by a government and another buying utilities from a privately owned firm. Because one of these Canadians buys utilities from a government owned organization he or she pays no income tax but the other one pays income tax. To me that is unfair.
Members can stand up and try to defend that. I do not want to sound just like a person whining about my region. That is not the total picture. We need to look at all of Canada. I submit very seriously that if it is good for one province, it is good for the country. We need to seriously ask ourselves the question whether such an inequitable tax is good for the country because it differentiates between Canadians based on their situations.
I have appreciated the opportunity to speak on this matter. I would be delighted to respond to any questions members have.