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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was going.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Liberal MP for Sydney—Victoria (Nova Scotia)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 73% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Tom Miller Human Rights Award January 30th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the human rights work done by Archbishop Vincent Waterman from my riding.

Mr. Waterman ministers to St. Philip's African Orthodox Church in Whitney Pier, which is the only African Orthodox Church in Canada and is designated a provincial heritage property. He volunteers as a chaplain at the Royal Canadian Legion branch 28, as well as the Cape Breton Naval Veterans Association and countless other community organizations.

Mr. Waterman's dedication to promoting human rights is truly an inspiration. In 1983, he came to Cape Breton to take over from his father-in-law, George Francis, who was the longest-serving rector of St. Philip's Church, from 1940 to 1982. Mr. Waterman exemplifies a strong work ethic, and he has brought great pride not only to his family and friends but also to Cape Breton at large.

I ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating Archbishop Waterman on being awarded the Tom Miller Human Rights Award and I thank him for his many years of tireless service to our community.

Veterans Affairs January 28th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, it has been one year since the closure of nine Veteran Affairs offices across this country, including the one in Sydney that provided essential services to over 4,000 Cape Breton veterans.

This Saturday a rally protesting the closure of these offices is going to be held at the Ashby Legion.

The Conservatives have continuously mistreated our veterans. The new minister states that this is going to change. Will he join me at the rally in Cape Breton on Saturday to announce the reopening of these offices?

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns January 26th, 2015

With regard to government advertising: what was (a) the total amount spent on radio or television advertisements; and (b) the total number of placements in each medium, broken down by (i) subject matter of the advertisement and title of the advertising campaign, (ii) broadcast outlet on which the advertisements were placed, (iii) identification number, Media Authorization Number, or ADV number, (iv) name, (v) time-period when the advertisement was broadcast, namely, from September 5, 2014, to October 11, 2014, from October 12, 2014, to November 17, 2014, and on or after November 18, 2014?

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns January 26th, 2015

With regard to federal government employees in Nova Scotia: for each year from 2005 to 2013 inclusively, broken down by department, how many government employees worked in (i) Cape Breton Regional Municipality, (ii) Victoria County, (iii) Inverness County, (iv) Richmond County?

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns January 26th, 2015

With regard to the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC): for each year from 2005 to 2014 inclusively, (a) how much did the ECBC spend on infrastructure; and (b) what were all the projects of the ECBC, including but not limited to details such as the project’s name, purpose, and cost?

Questions on the Order Paper January 26th, 2015

With regard to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) animal transportation inspection system, and review of the animal transport regulations under Part XII of the Health of Animals Regulations: (a) what corrective actions are being taken in light of the apparent violations of the Health of Animals Regulations and CFIA inspectors’ apparent failure to respond to unacceptable treatment of animals, as recently suggested by images filmed at the Western Hog Exchange in Red Deer, Alberta (; (b) what is the status of draft amendments or proposals to the animal transport regulations under the Health of Animals Regulations, Part XII, and what is the Agency’s timeframe for publishing those proposed changes in Part I of the Canada Gazette; and (c) what measures will the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food advise CFIA to take to ensure that Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) are dissuasive and specifically, is the Minister planning to significantly increase AMPs in order to ensure that they are dissuasive?

Agriculture and Agri-Food December 4th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, we recently learned that the avian flu has been detected on several poultry farms in our biggest producing region, the Fraser Valley.

Canada's poultry industry is so important to farmers and consumers. Thousands of jobs on the farm and in processing depend on it.

What is the scope of the outbreak? What is this government doing to contain it and prevent this disaster from happening again? How much of the farmers' losses will the government compensate?

St. Mary's Polish Church December 4th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, on Saturday, November 29, fire destroyed St. Mary's Polish Church in Whitney Pier. A strong, proud, and resilient community in my riding, St. Mary's was the only Polish parish church in Atlantic Canada. It was built by Polish immigrants who came to the city to work in a new steel plant. Just last year, St. Mary's celebrated its 100th anniversary, after 100 years of providing spiritual guidance and support not only to the community of Whitney Pier but all over Cape Breton.

This past summer I had the opportunity to attend a fundraiser at the community hall for a roof, and I saw first-hand the spirit and success of that community. Parish council president Tom Urbaniak stated, “There's a resilience in the spirit of the Polish Cape Bretoners, and in the spirit of the larger community.”

I rise today to recognize St. Mary's and its parishioners for their spirit and faith, which is very much alive as they persevere during this very difficult time.

Petitions December 4th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, I rise to present a petition signed by hundreds of constituents in my riding concerning the reduction of Canada Post services. The petition calls upon the government to reverse these cuts to Canada Post and look instead for an option to fill the void, such as postal banking.

Veterans Hiring Act November 25th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, I have to sympathize with the member for trying to defend the government on the disastrous veterans affairs file.

I had to get up when he started talking about Sydney and Cape Breton, and Mr. Clarke, to put it in context. He started talking about how the Legions are going to help service the veterans, and how they can go to a building and that they do not need a building.

The member should have been at the rally where there were over 2,000 or 3,000 people in support of veterans, what they are going through, the service they are not getting, and how the pressure is being put on the Legions.

We have about 30 Legions in Cape Breton, and maybe one of them is looking to step up to do that which they cannot do. Could the member try to explain how all of these Legions are going to service the veterans?

The caseworkers are so used to working with the Legion members and the veterans, and now veterans will have to travel to Halifax, over 300 miles, to get any service. How can the member defend the position of closing the office in Sydney that services so many veterans? Cape Breton has been one of the biggest contributors to any war movement in the last 100 years.