C-201 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (oath or solemn affirmation)
C-202 Prohibit the export of water by interbasin transfers
C-203 Provide for the review of postal rates and services and to amend certain Acts in consequence thereof
C-204 Amend the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (nutritional value of food)
C-205 Amend the Criminal Code (human being)
C-206 Provide for the relocation and protection of witnesses
C-207 Amend the Auditor General Act (reports)
C-208 Amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances
C-209 Provide for full employment in Canada
C-210 Provide for the recall of members of the House of Commons
C-211 Amend the Criminal Code (cattle rustling and range cattle)
C-212 Recognize hockey and lacrosse as the national sports of Canada
C-213 Amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service
C-214 Amend the Criminal Code (hate propaganda -- age group)
C-215 Amend the Criminal Code (aiding suicide)
C-216 Amend the Unemployment Insurance Act (jury service)
C-217 Amend the Young Offenders Act, the Contraventions Act and the Criminal Code in consequence thereof
C-218 Amend the Unemployment Insurance Act (excepted employment)
C-219 Amend the Immigration Act (visitors' visas)
C-220 Amend the Hazardous Products
C-221 Establishing the office of the Ombudsman and amending Acts in consequence thereof
C-222 Amend the Excise Tax Act (extremity pumps)
C-223 Amend the Income Tax Act (air conditioners)
C-224 Require charitable and non-profit organizations that receive public funds to declare the remuneration of their directors and senior officers
C-225 Respecting the transfer of Language rights to provincial jurisdiction
C-226 Amend the Criminal Code
C-227 Amend the Interest Act (calculation of credit card interest)
C-228 Provide for the limitation of interest rates and fees in relation to credit card accounts
C-229 Amend the Canada Elections Act (registration of political parties)
C-230 Amend the Unemployment Insurance Act (training and self-employment)
C-231 Amend the Divorce Act (granting of access to, or custody of, a child to a grandparent)
C-232 Amend the Divorce Act (granting of access to, or custody of, a child to a grandparent)
C-233 Provide for the limitation of interest rates, of the application of interest and fees in relation to credit card accounts
C-234 Amend the Criminal Code (facsimile advertising)
C-235 Amend the Canada Post Corporation
C-236 Amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (at age 60, 10 years service)
C-237 Amend the Bankruptcy Act (priority of claims)
C-238 Amend the Income Tax Act (child support payments)
C-239 Respecting the Decade of the Brain
C-240 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Criminal Code
C-241 Amend the Income Tax Act (child support payments)
C-242 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Criminal Code and the Young Offenders Act (improvement to public safety)
C-243 Amend the Department of Labour Act (eligibility for assistance for long-service employees)
C-244 Respecting a National Solidarity Day for the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
C-245 Amend the Financial Administration Act and the Auditor General Act (review of budget speech)
C-246 Respecting National Adoption Awareness Month
C-247 Amend the Income Tax Act (child care expenses)
C-248 Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Canada Labour Code and the Public Service Employment Act (whistleblowing)
C-249 Amend the Citizenship Act (right to citizenship)
C-250 Establish the Canadian International Development Agency
C-251 Provide that Remembrance Day be included as a holiday in public service collective agreements
C-252 Amend the Canada Election Act (review of nomination papers)
C-253 Amend the Criminal Code (abortion)
C-254 Amend the Interpretation Act (Convention on the Rights of the Child)
C-255 Amend the Auditor General Act (approval of appropriations for the office of the Auditor General and an audit of the office of the Auditor General)
C-256 Amend the Income Tax Act (transfer of income to spouse)
C-257 Amend the Auditor General Act and the Parliament of Canada Act (appointment of the Auditor General of Canada)
C-258 Respecting the establishment and aware of a Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp for United Nations Peacekeeping to Canadians serving with a United Nations peacekeeping force
C-259 Respecting a national grandparent's day
C-260 Amend the Criminal Code (replica firearms, theft, import or unlawful sale of firearms)
C-261 Facilitate participation in the reserve force
C-262 Provide for the settlement of Labour disputes affecting the export of grain by arbitration and to amend the Public Service Staff Relations Act in consequence thereof
C-263 Amend the Financial Administration Act and other Acts in consequence thereof (exempted Crown corporations)
C-264 Amend the National Anthem
C-265 Amend the Criminal Code and the Young Offenders Act (capital punishment)
C-266 Respecting the orderly marketing of potatoes
C-267 Amend the Canada Elections Act (election expenses)
C-268 Promote the use of plain language in federal statutes and regulations
C-269 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (income transferred to spouse)
C-270 Amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (money purchase pension)
C-271 Amend the Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Interpretation)
C-272 Amend the Criminal Code (gun control)
C-274 Respecting a national grandparent's day
C-275 Respecting the protection and rehabilitation of endangered and threatened species
C-276 Respecting Lester B. Pearson Day
C-277 Amend the Criminal Code (genital mutilation of female persons)
C-278 Amend the Canada Post Corporation
C-279 Respecting Flag Day
C-280 Prevent the interruption by labour disputes of the orderly progress of grain from the farm gate to export and to amend the Canada Labour Code and the Public Service Staff Relations Act in consequence thereof
C-281 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Prisons and Reformatories
C-282 Amend the Income Tax Act (medical expenses--disabled senior citizens)
C-283 Amend the Official Languages Act (review of the Act)
C-284 Amend the Canada Health Act (conditions for contributions)
C-285 Eliminate financial support for nuclear reactor design and construction in Canada or abroad and to amend the Atomic Energy Control Act in consequence thereof
C-286 Amend the Unemployment Insurance Act (university studies after ten years' employment)
C-287 Amend the Department of Labour Act (eligibility for assistance for long-service employees)
C-288 Revoke the conviction of Louis David Riel
C-289 Provide for evaluations of statutory programs
C-290 Providing for equal treatment for persons cohabiting in a relationship similar to a conjugal relationship
C-291 Respecting a national year of the grandparent
C-292 Commemorate the birthplace of Confederation
C-293 Amend the Criminal Code (use of a firearm in the commission of or attempt at an offence)
C-294 Amend the Income Tax Act (public access to information from audits of charities and non-profit organizations)
C-295 Provide for the control of Canadian peacekeeping activities by Parliament and to amend the National Defence Act in consequence thereof
C-296 Amend the Criminal Code (protection of children)
C-297 Amend the Criminal Code (summary conviction penalties)
C-298 Amend the Income Tax Act (deduction of interest on mortgage loans)
C-299 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (increased contributions and pensions)
C-300 Amend the Broadcasting Act (broadcasting policy)
C-301 Amend the Criminal Code (violent crimes)
C-302 Amend the Canada Health Act (nutrition services)
C-303 Amend the Criminal Code (dangerous intoxication)
C-304 Amend the Criminal Code (prostitution)
C-305 Amend the Criminal Code (voluntary intoxication)
C-306 Amend the Public Service Superannuation Act (annuity following job loss)
C-307 Amend the Criminal Code and the Copyright Act (profit from authorship respecting a crime)
C-308 Provide the resumption of production activities at ADM Agri-Industries Ltd.
C-309 Amend the Access to Information Act (disclosure of results of public opinion polls)
C-310 Provide resumption of operations of Archer Daniel Midland Ltd.
C-311 Require the Minister for International Trade to retaliate against import restrictions introduced by the United States of America on Canadian refined sugar and sugar-containing products
C-312 Provide for the resumption of operations at ADM Agri-Industries Ltd.
C-313 Provide for the resumption and continuance of the operations at ADM Agri-Industries Ltd.
C-314 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (other pension income)
C-315 Complement the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves obtained by certain corporations
C-316 Amend the Immigration Act and the Transfer of Offenders
C-317 Amend the Canada Labour Code and the Public Service Staff Relations Act (scabs and essential services)
C-318 Provide for the property traditionally used as the official residence of the Leader of the Opposition to be leased out when not being used
C-319 Amend the Canada Elections Act (reimbursement of election expenses)
C-320 Amend the Canada Elections Act (registration of political parties)
C-321 Amend the Criminal Code (juvenile prostitution outside Canada)
C-322 Respecting the office of the Auditor General for the family
C-323 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (order of discharge)
C-324 Replace the allowance provided by the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act with an allowance funded by members' contributions to assist their transition back to private life
C-325 Amend the Food and Drugs
C-326 Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (membership of Board of Directors)
C-327 Amend the Criminal Code (bail in cases of assault with weapon or criminal harassment)
C-328 Amend the Unemployment Insurance
C-329 An act to provide for the recognition of the Canadian Horse as the national horse of Canada
C-330 Amend the Criminal Code (review process and disclosure by prosecutor)
C-331 Amend the Criminal Code (taking a sample of a bodily substance)
C-332 Provide for improved Information on the cost of proposed government programs
C-333 Terminate Canadian Assistance to Indonesia
C-334 An act to amend the Canada Pension Plan (cancellation of benefit)
C-335 Respecting the use of Social Insurance Numbers
C-336 Appoint a Taxation Ombudsman and to amend the Income Tax Act to establish certain rights of taxpayers
C-337 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (warning on alcoholic beverage containers)
C-338 Amend the Income Tax Act (political activities by charities receiving public funds)
C-339 Provide for funding for intervenors in hearings before certain boards and agencies
C-340 Amend the Broadcasting Act (termination of C.B.C.'s television operations)
C-341 Amend the Financial Administration Act (Canada Council, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Film Development Corporation, National Arts Centre Corporation)
C-342 Amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and National Arts Centre Corporation)
C-343 Amend the Criminal Code (arrest without warrant)
C-344 Amend the Public harbours and Port Facilities
C-345 Amend the Canada Business Corporations Act (qualification of directors)
C-346 Amend the Bell Canada Act (construction charges)
C-347 Amend the Competition
C-348 Amend the Criminal Code (mines)
C-349 Amend the Criminal Code (peeping Toms)
C-350 Amend the National Housing
C-351 Provide for the expiry of gun control legislation that is not proven effective within five years of coming into force
C-352 Amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (members who cease to be citizens of Canada)
C-353 Respecting a National Organ Donor Day in Canada
C-354 Amend the Criminal Code (transmission of HIV)
C-355 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (Arrest without warrant)
C-356 To Protect contractors who disclose government wrongdoing
C-357 Respecting restriction on foreign aid
C-358 Amend the Criminal Code (consecutive sentences)
C-359 Require the withdrawal of Canada from the North American Free Trade Agreement
C-360 Amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (deduction re other income)
C-361 Amend the Access to Information Act (Crown Corporations)
C-362 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act and the Canada Elections Act (confidence votes)
C-363 Amend the Criminal Code (juvenile prostitution)
C-364 Amend the Criminal Code (no parole when imprisoned for life)
C-365 Allow the electors of a province to express an opinion on who should be summoned to the Senate to represent the province
C-366 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act and the Canada Elections Act (confidence votes)