Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to speak to Bill C-53. As I understand it, the purpose of the bill is for Canada to implement the provisions of the international convention on the settlement of investment disputes.
I was not able to be here when the secretary of state introduced the bill and she may have addressed one of my questions that I posed to one of the Liberal members speaking to the bill. However, I reiterate the question because it seems to me it is something on which it is important for us to have some understanding. It has to do with the fact this convention has been open for signature for literally 42 years, from March 18, 1965 to this day. The obvious question that arises is, why now? What is the reason that today the government is proposing that something that has been on the books internationally and available for Canada to sign on to for years is suddenly a matter of sufficient importance and urgency to bring it forward in this Parliament?
In the absence of understanding that, I have proceeded to try to make sense out of the bill. I want to make it clear at the outset that the members of the New Democratic Party will not be voting to support Bill C-53 at this time. We have a number of concerns. I will try in the time available to me to summarize those concerns in three categories, first, with respect to matters of transparency, second, the issue of accessibility and third, matters of accountability. We find that this proposed agreement fails to meet the minimal test that we think is appropriate for a sovereign state to be able to seek reassurances that simply are not there.
First, I will speak briefly about transparency. The international convention on the settlement of investment disputes, proposes a consent based process for settling disputes. It is a difficulty that it is specified that once the consent of a party is given, there is no provision for there to be any revocation regardless of how flawed the process may be or how many concerns may arise in terms of how the whole process is being conducted.
The dispute settlement mechanism proposed by Bill C-53 will not just adjudicate individual contracts between foreign companies and sovereign states; it will in fact become the principal international process through which other investment agreements will be interpreted and applied with binding results. Article 48(5) of the convention clearly states:
The Centre shall not publish the award without the consent of the parties.
This creates a real concern about the transparency of the process. It seems that if matters are of sufficient import to our government, or for that matter to the corporations that are a party to such processes, there needs to be the assurance of there being some transparency around what has actually transpired.
The mechanism that is being proposed will exist under the aegis of the World Bank. That is an organization with which a great many NGOs have concerns. A great many countries, particularly the poorest of the poor countries in the world have major concerns with the World Bank. The New Democratic Party has raised concerns about it as well and in fact is pleased that the foreign affairs and international development committee currently is seized with some of those concerns and is looking at the issues of transparency, accountability and accessibility.
It seems to me at the very least that the government should not be jumping ahead without a more thorough examination of some of the concerns that have been brought to our attention through the experience of respected NGOs. One such NGO is the Halifax Initiative, an organization that was established after the G-8 was held in Halifax. It has nothing to do with me or my riding specifically. There was concern that there were no adequate responses to some of these serious issues. Another of the NGOs that presented on the matter before the committee was KAIROS, a highly respected multi-faith organization which is very involved in international development work around the world.
Concerns have not only arisen around the transparency and accountability of the World Bank operation which have massive implications for countries in the south but actually about the transparency of the Canadian government's decision-making as it relates to our participation in the World Bank.
These are issues that need to be examined more carefully with more satisfactory responses before we plunge into what is proposed here in the way of signing on to a convention. If for 42 years it has not been of sufficient or adequate usage by a series of Conservative-Liberal governments and the problems of transparency still remain with respect to the World Bank, it seems to me that it would be better if we put our house in order before we proceed with this new agreement.
Let me move briefly to the issue of accessibility. The process that is set out in the ICSID, which is the international convention that we are dealing with here, does not allow for third party testimony whatsoever. No matter how adversely some communities or other citizens may be impacted by certain contentious agreements between two parties, there is no allowance for what is called in legal terms amicus curiae briefs and is very problematic except with the full consent of the two parties to the arbitration.
There are citizens, communities and probably in some cases regional interests that could be massively impacted by some of these disputed agreements. It is not acceptable to us that there is no provision for some third party testimony being brought before an arbitration hearing. Couple that with the fact that there is no requirement for the decisions and the awards to be published, it is just a further reason for not being able to support this proposed process in its current form.
Most proceedings will probably be held in Washington. There is provision for a few designated centres elsewhere around the world, but they will take place in a small number of capital cities and will be entirely inaccessible in many instances to those third parties who may have a distinct and legitimate interest in the proceedings. Therefore, there are issues about accessibility. There is no question that countries in the southern hemisphere will most likely be impacted in adverse ways around such procedures and disputes.
Third, with respect to accountability, as I have already indicated, all decisions issued through the proposed dispute mechanism will be binding. The provisions for any appeals that could be launched to such binding decisions are very narrow and minimal.
According to article 52 in Bill C-53, annulment of a decision could only be permitted under five conditions: first, that the tribunal was not properly constituted in the first place; second, that the tribunal has manifestly exceeded its powers; third, that there was actually documented corruption in the tribunal itself; fourth, that there was a breach in the rules of procedure; and fifth, the award failed to state the reasons on which the decision was based.
Those are really very narrow legalistic provisions that would permit for any kind of appeal process whatsoever. Given the severe impact, the magnitude of the implications of decisions that may be rendered by such a dispute resolution body, when we combine the lack of transparency, the lack of accessibility with the lack of accountability, one has to be very concerned about why we need sign on to provisions that are this lacking in terms of really being transparent and accountable for its decisions.
Citizens cannot know which decisions are taken or how much their government is expected to pay in some cases where decisions are made that the government is a party to these decisions. We are talking largely about huge corporations, and in the instance of the government losing the decision, there is not even any kind of mandatory disclosure. In fact, the opposite is true.
It is not permissible for there to be disclosure of how much a government may actually be forced to pay in the event of such a decision being made that has the government, representing the people of one's country, on the losing side.
In that event, how is it possible for citizens to hold their government accountable, or foreign corporate entities for that matter? How is it possible to judge the legitimacy of ICSID decisions that are reached? I think it fundamentally erodes the democratic accountability and the transparency that needs to be obtained.
In conclusion, a great many Canadians remember, and certainly New Democrat members of Parliament remember all too well, the attempt of the previous government to plough ahead with the introduction of the multilateral agreement on investment. It was truly astounding when this came to light, it was actually a process that was so kind of clandestine and so below the radar that I remember asking questions on the campaign trail.
I hope my memory serves me correctly. It was either in 1997 during the federal election campaign or 2000, and my colleagues confirm that my first instinct was right. My memory is never perfect, I have to confess to that, but in 1997 the multilateral agreement on investments had just barely risen to public awareness and it was impossible to get any information about what this agreement was really all about.
Overwhelmingly, what we were hearing from people, the more we were able to delve into it, was that they were very concerned about the extent to which this multilateral agreement on investment would have severally curtailed the sovereign rights of states and citizens to the benefit, overwhelmingly, of large, transboundary, multinational corporations.
Had the ICSID process, the dispute mechanism that is here proposed in Bill C-53, existed at the time and had the multilateral agreement on investment gone ahead, cases of arbitration under the multilateral agreement on investment would actually have been channelled through the ICSID. As I mentioned at the outset when I raised questions about why now, why is this so-called new Conservative government now saying it has become very important for us to move ahead with this when it has been available for signature for 42 years, one really has to consider the adverse implications that would have accrued to Canada had we found ourselves in the situation of the MAI having gone ahead.
Thank goodness Canadians were not prepared for that to happen, but had it gone ahead it would have become subject to this disputes mechanism body with all the additional concerns that I have already raised.
With those reservations, the NDP has reached the conclusion that this is not a piece of legislation that we can support. We would have no recourse for arbitration decisions that would seriously erode the sovereign authority of the Canadian state had MAI gone into existence. We would have had no say whatsoever in the course of proceedings.
These are not light matters. These are not casual concerns. The ICSID process, while not substantive in itself, in our view has the very dark and worrisome potential to make bad financial investment agreements even worse. As I indicated at the outset, the New Democratic Party members of Parliament will not be voting for Bill C-53.