Thank you, Mr. Chairman. From speaking with a few of your colleagues earlier, I understand and obviously I can see tonight that you're working late hours, so all I can say is that if your constituents all were aware of how many hours you put in on their behalf and on behalf of the country, some of the election campaigns might be a little less stressful. We certainly commend you for that.
Good evening. My name is Richard Gauthier. I'm president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association. CADA is the national association for franchise automobile dealerships that sell new cars and trucks. I would like to point out that we represent dealers of all brands, and all manufacturers manufacturing and selling vehicles in Canada are represented through our association.
So our 3,500 dealers represent a vital sector of Canada's economy. Through our dealers, we are represented in nearly every community in the country. With me tonight I have our director of public affairs, Huw Williams, as well as our chief economist, Michael Hatch.
Mr. Chairman, tonight I'll outline the key issues facing our dealer network in these most challenging times. To begin with, let me provide a few facts about the automotive industry in Canada. Canada's auto industry is more than a hundred years old and in Ontario alone is the leading jurisdiction for auto production in North America and is the tenth largest globally. Each of Canada's assembly jobs provides seven to 10 spinoff jobs, and this is the highest such ratio of any manufacturing industry sector. Tax revenues from the auto industry to all levels of government in this country exceed $10 billion annually, and since 2002, Canadian vehicle assemblers and parts manufacturers have invested over $10 billion in production and research and development. Canada's auto industry exports--you heard some of that earlier--85% of all its production, roughly $100 billion annually, and every $1 million in exports creates or sustains five jobs.
Canadian automotive companies are global leaders in R and D, in lightweight materials, alternative fuel technologies, and occupant safety. We should be very proud of that fact.
Canada's auto industry procures more than $40 billion annually from Canadian suppliers, which is more than twice the total annual amount of the Canadian federal government's procurement, and it also accounts for over 10% of Canada's manufacturing GDP and over 20% of Canada's total yearly merchandise trade, in excess of $150 billion annually. The industry also accounts for over $30 billion in parts and components shipments annually and conducts over $500 million in R and D related to assembly, innovation, new vehicle development, alternative fuels, and vehicle safety every year.
Now, I cannot emphasize enough that the current automotive downturn will have a ripple effect in every community in Canada. The cold reality facing decision-makers today, you yourselves, is that if Canadian-based manufacturers are not provided a bridge across the current economic crisis, then Canada's 3,500 small business dealers located in every community of the country will bear the brunt of that downturn.
The retail automotive sector employs over 140,000 people in Canada and directly contributes a huge portion of its gross domestic product. As economic cornerstones of almost every community in the country, the pain of auto dealers will be felt on main streets and in other small businesses and households from coast to coast.
Parliament needs to remember that dealerships are not company stores. Dealers are independent businesses that make significant investments in land, buildings, equipment, and personnel and provide manufacturers with a retail presence in thousands of communities across the country. Dealers do not take cars or parts on consignment from their manufacturers. Dealers assume the risk of financing that inventory. No manufacturer has the resources to internalize the costs that dealers bear every day.
It will come as a shock to no one in this room tonight, I'm sure, that given the huge costs of financing dealer floor plans and operations that can run into tens of millions of dollars per store, predictable and accessible credit is the oil in the retail auto industry's motor. In my daily contact with dealers from one end of the country to the other, without a doubt, the number one problem facing their businesses today is the deterioration in credit conditions. Not only is this happening to dealers on the brink, but this is happening to sound, solvent businesses, often with decades-long relationships with their financial institutions and the very communities represented at this table this evening.
Given what's going on in the credit markets in the past year, I'd like to congratulate the government on the $12 billion Canadian secured credit facility announced in January's budget. CADA communicated the need for such a facility in the pre-budget period, and the government delivered.
But as parliamentarians, you will know that the easiest part of any program is announcing it. Dealers across the country are still facing tight and unpredictable credit conditions from captive finance companies and chartered banks. While we recognize the need for diligence in designing any program that allocates tax dollars, we must stress the urgent nature of the problems facing Canada's auto dealers as we speak.
The government has to find a way to get credit flowing again and to do so as soon as possible. Credit is the biggest problem facing our dealers, and the government has recognized this. We will continue, as we have to date, to work closely with the government in its implementation of the $12 billion secured credit facility, but there are also other ways to stimulate the industry and, with it, the entire economy.
Canada's car fleet is older than that of its American counterpart. As you all know, old cars are much less efficient, more polluting, and less safe than new vehicles. This committee is charged with addressing the crisis in the auto sector. Drastic times call for bold measures and bold but targeted economic stimulus. This is the approach taken by other G7 countries. Vehicle scrappage or vehicle retirement programs have been adopted by several countries throughout the world, including Canada, over a number of years. In recent months, these programs have taken on added momentum as economic woes cripple vehicle sales worldwide.
Scrappage programs have existed in this country in one form or another since 1996. Simply put, a scrappage program offers cash incentives to consumers who retire old vehicles and purchase new ones. These incentives serve a much sought-after dual economic and environmental policy objective, since on average a 20-year-old car pollutes 37 times more than a new one. Providing incentives for purchasing new cars drives the economy and helps the environment.
The current economic challenges facing the automotive industry present an opportunity for an effective national vehicle scrappage program to complement other economic stimulus initiatives. With roughly five million vehicles on the road that were built in 1996 or before and with new car sales in decline, there exists today a powerful opportunity to enact a scrappage program that has real teeth. Today's program, worth only $300 per vehicle, does not provide enough incentive to get any more old cars off the road than would occur anyway through natural attrition.
Canada can look to other countries for models in designing such a program. In fact, it was mentioned a little earlier in previous testimony that in Germany, for example, consumers are given incentives worth €2,500, or roughly $4,000 Canadian, for retiring old cars and buying new cars or cars that are less than one year old. The program works on a first-come, first-served basis. Funding for the program is capped. Once the cap has been reached, the program will be terminated.
This measure is expected to increase light vehicle sales by 200,000 units for 2009 and should push the German car market just above three million units. Now, applied to the Canadian market, which is about half its size, a similar program could increase sales by more than 100,000 units this year.
Let me add that the members of this committee should also recommend that the government take a very simple step to stop the dumping of high-polluting older vehicles into the Canadian market. This is an easy common-sense fix. Members may not be aware that we have seen a recent rise in the number of older right-hand-drive vehicles on Canadian roads. These vehicles are imported under a current loophole in the Canadian regulations allowing vehicles more than 15 years old to enter the country without complying with the Canadian motor vehicle safety standards or national environmental standards. These vehicles pose a risk to Canadian citizens and undermine the pursuit of our country's safety and environmental goals. We urge government to close these loopholes in order to ensure safer roads, stronger new vehicle sales, and not further undermine our collective desire to clean up the environment.
Now let me turn to another issue of great concern to our dealer network, the so-called right to repair issue. As you are aware, Bill C-273 is currently before Parliament. This bill would effectively require auto manufacturers to share all diagnostic and repair information as well as equipment with the aftermarket. This is unacceptable to CADA. This information represents intellectual property developed by manufacturers at a cost of billions of dollars. Forcing them to disclose this information on a non-voluntary basis would destroy the value of this property and inhibit the innovation that drives the country.
There's currently healthy competition for car owners' non-warranty service work, with aftermarket repair facilities receiving the bulk of the business, even after the introduction of proprietary onboard diagnostic computers almost two decades ago. The aftermarket has the lion's share of the business with 75% of that market, and this is due to the fact that, for all but the newest of vehicles, repair information is readily available from a variety of sources, be it for a small, independently owned garage, a national aftermarket chain, or even do-it-yourselfers.
I understand that you're trying to move this along, so I would just like to address one final consumer concern. We must not let the current market conditions facing manufacturers and dealers distract consumers from the fact that it is a very good time to buy a car in Canada. In fact, the two sides of this situation are closely related. Cars have not been as affordable as they are today in a generation. In fact, Statistics Canada has just reported that the price to buy or lease a car has declined to its lowest point in 24 years as a ratio of disposable income. Add this to the fact that all manufacturers are aggressively seeking new business, and the end result is a very favourable set of conditions for consumers in the marketplace. Quite simply, there's never been a better time to buy a car, and I have been in this business for 40 years.
I'd like to thank the committee for giving us an opportunity to speak with you this evening.
Thank you for your attention. I will be happy to answer your questions, if time allows. Thank you.