It gives me no joy to challenge the chair, I can assure you of that. As the chair knows, this is not a slur on his capability. He runs this committee very well. I will support this amendment, but not without certain reservations.
There is a grain of truth in what Mr. Komarnicki says. I think the important thing is that this bill pass. I do not overestimate the impact that this will have on the government. We've passed private members' bills before. They have become the law of the land, but not necessarily the law of the government. Bill C-292 and Bill C-293 are notable examples. Nonetheless, there's a message here that Canada needs a national housing strategy. Those of us who travelled western Canada last week, including you, Mr. Chair, heard this everywhere we went. To pass this bill, we need to pass this amendment. I'll support my colleague in this amendment so that we can pass this bill and send a message to the government and to Canadians that we need a national housing strategy.