Distinguished members of the committee, I want to thank you very much for the opportunity you have provided me to appear before you once more to discuss how survivors of serious human rights violations can turn to Canada's judicial system when all other options have been exhausted.
Distinguished members of the committee, I want to thank you for the opportunity you have provided today to follow up on CCIJ's appearance before this committee in April 2009. I was here with a number of CCIJ advisors and with Stephan Kazemi and his lawyers to discuss the important issue of the need to amend Canada's State Immunity Act.
As a reminder about my background, I'm the first executive director of the Canadian Centre for International Justice, which is based here in Ottawa and which I helped to establish. CCIJ is a charitable organization that works with survivors of torture, genocide, and other atrocities to seek redress and to bring perpetrators of these crimes to justice in criminal and civil courts, both in Canada and internationally.
I am a lawyer. I previously directed the global campaign to establish the International Criminal Court. Last summer I was very honoured to receive the Tarnopolsky Human Rights Award from the Canadian Bar Association and the International Commission of Jurists. It was for me wonderful recognition of the increasing importance and impact of the efforts we and similar organizations in other countries are making as we seek to end impunity for international crimes, such as torture and genocide.
As you will recall, in April 2009, Stephan Kazemi delivered a very eloquent statement to this committee about the importance of justice in response to the brutal torture and rape of his mother while she was on a work assignment in Iran in 2003. She died of her injuries after Stephan unsuccessfully tried to have her returned home to Canada for treatment. He was not even able to have her body returned so that he could give her a proper burial. Neither the government of Iran nor the individuals involved were ever held accountable in Iran. In fact, one of those responsible was promoted, and there's no possibility that there will be any justice in Iran.
Stephan so poignantly talked about how difficult it is for others to imagine the harm caused by the loss of a mother and of her love, particularly under such horrific circumstances. But it's important that we do try to imagine what this would be like. As we all sit here in our professional capacities, we are also human beings with families, with mothers, with children. Despite what we may think, this could be our own story.
Zahra Kazemi is not the only person to be tortured and killed in the notorious Evin prison and in other parts of Iran, not by far. Torture, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities are being perpetrated right now in many parts of the world against Canadians and people with a connection to Canada. We're all watching what's unfolding in the Middle East and the incredible violence and brutality being unleashed against innocent people who are simply seeking the most basic of rights: an end to dictatorship, a path to democracy, and the alleviation of extreme poverty.
The fact that this continues today is in fact in large part because it's still very rare for those responsible for these crimes to be held accountable in courts of law. We have the new International Criminal Court in the Hague, but it has limits on its jurisdiction and its funding, and it's premised on the idea that most of the cases for torture and war crimes will take place in national courts around the world.
Canada's criminal courts have a very important role to play. Yet it is very important that civil courts in Canada also be in a position to play a role, as the federal budget allocates an insignificant level of resources to war crimes trials in Canada. Civil trials provide the alternative of allowing survivors and victims' families to go to court themselves. It's only with a large web of accountability mechanisms globally that we can send a strong and clear message to the likes of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Libya's Moammar Gadhafi that they cannot indiscriminately torture and kill to maintain their hold on power and their access to their countries' resources and wealth.
At our previous appearance before this committee, we discussed in detail how the survivors of torture who have a connection to Canada and the family members of victims, such as Stephan Kazemi, are effectively barred from proceeding with their claims by Canada's State Immunity Act. The purpose of the act is to allow foreign government officials to carry out their official duties without fear of lawsuits. Yet as it currently reads, the State Immunity Act also protects the government and its officials from lawsuits, even when they torture and kill a Canadian. While it contains some exceptions, it does not explicitly include an exception to immunity protection for acts of torture and other serious international crimes.
Since our appearance before this subcommittee in April 2009, we have seen two very important developments that would remedy this problem. We want to talk about these developments today and also discuss what might be the next steps. The first development was the introduction of Bill C-483, the Redress for Victims of International Crimes Act, which would squarely address the problem. The second was a decision by the Quebec Superior Court on the issue of state immunity in the Kazemi case, in late January of this year, a decision that makes the need for Parliament to act by passing Bill C-483 all the more clear.
The CCIJ very much welcomed the introduction of Bill C-483 at first reading, on November 29, 2009, and its reintroduction on May 3, 2010. The bill was introduced as a private member's bill by Liberal MP Irwin Cotler, and had the support of Conservative MP Scott Reid, NDP MP Paul Dewar, and Bloc Québécois MP Francine Lalonde.
This bill proposes to amend the State Immunity Act to prevent a foreign state from claiming immunity from the jurisdiction of Canadian courts in legal proceedings that relate to genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, or torture, when domestic remedies have been exhausted. In other words, Stephan Kazemi or a torture survivor himself or herself could sue human rights abusers like the Government of Iran and the individual torturers.
You as members of the subcommittee clearly demonstrated in your report on the situation in Iran, issued at the end of December 2010, that you understand the importance of allowing civil cases to go forward in Canada against torturers and war criminals and the barrier to justice that is currently created by Canada's State Immunity Act.
CCIJ welcomed recommendation number 13 in the report, that the Government of Canada remove immunity for foreign officials for gross violations of international human rights law from the State Immunity Act, and the recognition in the report that Bill C-483 would achieve this.
The need to ensure such an amendment to the act through the prompt passage of Bill C-483 has been made all the more clear by the ruling of the Quebec Superior Court at the end of January in the Kazemi case. The ruling was in response to the claims made by the Government of Iran that neither the government, as such, nor any individual officials can be made to stand trial in Canada for torturing and murdering a Canadian because of the State Immunity Act. The ruling provides a very mixed result.
It has some positive consequences for Stephan Kazemi, but with such a narrow approach that it will be very unlikely to allow most other victims a right to a remedy in Canada. Stephan's personal claim has been allowed to proceed, and this is of course extremely positive.
As we noted previously, the State Immunity Act currently contains several exceptions. One of these is for harm suffered inside Canada, and it is because of the existence of this exception that Stephan's claim can proceed. The Quebec Superior Court found that a claim may be brought by someone in Canada who suffers significant trauma as a result of the torture of a close relative in another country, as Stephan did. This was a very important interpretation of this exception to the State Immunity Act, and one that, unless overturned on appeal, will result in the first Canadian civil trial for torture committed overseas.
At the same time, the court found that there is no right to a remedy for a torture victim who dies overseas. The harm did not occur in Canada, so it does not give rise to an existing exception in the State Immunity Act. The court explicitly refused to read a new exception for torture into the act. So Zahra Kazemi's estate is barred from proceeding with its claims in this case because the harm that Zahra herself suffered did not occur in Canada.
One of the unfortunate outcomes of the ruling is that it could create an incentive for torturers to ensure that their victim dies. If Zahra had survived and returned to Canada, she would likely have suffered significant psychological harm inside Canada as a result of her traumatic experience. She might then have been able to sue Iran, according to this Quebec court ruling, arguing that this harm falls within the exception to the State Immunity Act.
The court was clearly indicating that it could use only the existing exceptions written into the State Immunity Act by Parliament. By refusing to go further so that the ruling could apply beyond Stephan Kazemi's unique circumstances, the court was sending a clear invitation to Parliament to take up this issue. Bill C-483 does just that, and it is members of this committee who understand why it's important for governments like Iran to be sued for torture and who are in the best position to update Canadian law to make this possible.
Recognizing that your committee does not formally have Bill C-483 before you for consideration, we would like to ask that you do all you can to seek its passage in your individual capacities.
First, we ask that you speak to your party leaders and their staff about the need for the bill.
Second, we hope you will think of who else within your parties would work closely with you to champion the bill, and approach them to request that they assist you in building support, including going to the clerk to have their names added as seconders for the bill.
Finally, we hope you will do whatever you can to raise awareness of the issue and the need for the bill more generally within your parties. I would offer the suggestion of raising it during caucus meetings and regional caucus meetings.
We have an event this Thursday at 12 noon when Stephan Kazemi will be with us again. That's taking place in the Press Club on Sparks Street, and we hope you will invite your colleagues to this opportunity to hear more about this issue. Of course, you know much better than we do how to build general support within your party, and I'm sure you will have many other ideas.
When Stephan Kazemi appeared before this committee almost two years ago, he made the point that since his mother's death, he has been all-consumed by the effort to seek justice. He has been crystal clear about the fact that in no way does he want to profit financially from her torture, and that the court case is about his need to see someone held responsible as part of his effort to rebuild his life. The Quebec court decision would allow that, but in speaking with the media Stephan has also eloquently articulated how deeply he had hoped, and still hopes, that he can make a difference for other people. His mother stood up for the rights of others through her work, and paid the ultimate price for doing so. Now Stephan wants her death to help ensure that other people, other Canadians, are not tortured, raped, beaten, and murdered.
Bill C-483 would provide one very important tool to help Stephan to realize that goal. We hope that we can count on each of you to get it passed as quickly as possible, so that torturers and war criminals will no longer be able to fend off responsibility when they order and participate in such horrific acts of violence.
Thank you very much for your attention, and your assistance.