Thank you, and good afternoon.
The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, or CRCVC, is a national non-profit advocacy group for victims and survivors of violent crime. We provide direct assistance and support to victims across the country, and we advocate for public safety and improved services and rights for crime victims. We are pleased to appear before you today regarding Bill C-4, also known as Sébastien's law.
In this submission, we examine the proposed amendments and also provide some recommendations we have made in the past with respect to ensuring that the interests of crime victims are fully taken into account.
I wanted to share with you today a little bit about the families we help. At our centre, we receive calls from families affected by youths who commit violent crime against other youths or adults. We frequently hear concerns with respect to the YCJA and the manner in which it responds to both youth who commit crime and the victims of such offenders. As an organization, we are concerned by the effect on victims of violent crimes committed by youth.
According to the Statistics Canada report entitled “Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2009”, although youth crime severity has generally been declining since 2001, the youth violent crime rate was 11% higher than in 1999. While many groups have testified before you and have stated that the YCJA has been an unmitigated success, we remain concerned about levels of violent crime committed by youths in Canada.
We recognize that most youths come in contact with the law as a result of fairly minor incidents and we recognize the importance of diverting these youth away from the formal criminal justice system through the use of warnings, cautions, and referrals to community groups and programs. That being said, we feel the protection of society must be the ultimate goal of the youth criminal justice system. We agree with Mr. Justice Nunn, who recommended that in order to help solve the problem posed by the small group of dangerous and repeat offenders, both short- and long-term protection of the public should be included among the principles set out in section 3 of the YCJA.
Canadian society needs to do a better job of tackling the root causes of crime. We believe that many youth, with the proper social supports, can be steered away from making poor choices that may lead to a criminal lifestyle. We agree that it is necessary for municipal sectors such as schools, housing, municipal planning, and police to identify the roots of crime problems, develop strategies to tackle those problems, and implement and evaluate them.
Focusing particularly on reducing the number of young offenders, the CRCVC strongly calls for providing enriched, subsidized child care for all citizens, along with affordable housing. We favour school programs for anti-bullying, anti-violence, and respect for gender and diversity. In addition, we advocate programs to ensure literacy, to protect children from family violence, to provide after-school care, to make job training and shadowing available to adolescents, to encourage anti-substance abuse in schools, and to offer mental health and addictions treatment to youths in need.
We also see the need to reduce violent victimization in Canada. Working with our clients, we see all too well the devastating impact of violence on individuals and families. It is the victims who too often suffer endlessly in many ways, including emotional, physical, and psychological harm, pain and suffering, and lost productivity.
We support amending paragraph 3(1)(b) to add the principle of "diminished moral blameworthiness or culpability" of young persons. We believe that youths do not have the same amount of experience and knowledge to draw upon in their decision-making. We are pleased to see that the definition of a serious violent offence has been clarified and now includes the acts of first- or second-degree murder, attempts to commit murder, manslaughter, and aggravated sexual assault. We feel that this definition adequately captures the most serious violent offences that are committed, and it removes any uncertainty about which offences should be included.
The creation of a clear definition of these types of offences is in keeping with one of the primary goals of the YCJA—a reduction in the number of youth in custody--while also ensuring that there is a clear definition of the crimes that require more serious sanctions and custodial sentences.
We are also pleased to see the inclusion of a definition of a "serious" offence as it pertains to pretrial detention. We feel that it helps to clarify the provisions in proposed section 29, which in the act cross-referenced section 39. This created complexity in the provisions and implied that the goals and purposes of pretrial detention are the same as for sentencing. This is not always the case.
We acknowledge that the definition they're referring to--offences that carry a maximum adult sentence of five years or more--may seem to cast a wide net, but we would like to point out that this is but one of the criteria a judge or justice uses when determining detention in custody. This definition is necessary to allow judges and justices to hold violent and repeat offenders in custody while awaiting trial.
The addition of the definition of a “violent” offence is designed to attach significance to those behaviours that do not result in harm to any individuals but carry the risk of doing so. A youth leading a high-speed car chase through a residential neighbourhood would be an example of a violent offence under this definition, regardless of whether anyone is hurt. The fact that the chase was carried out in a residential neighbourhood where many people live, including children, makes the behaviour very high risk.
Crimes of this nature pose a significant risk to the public. They need to be acknowledged as such in order to be included in those offences for which a custodial sentence can be considered. This does not say that a custodial sentence is recommended or required in all cases that pose a risk to the public, only that they are eligible.
We are in agreement with the inclusion of deterrence and denunciation in the principles of sentencing. They are both important objectives that are currently missing from the YCJA. While there is evidence that youths do not consider the sentence they may get for committing a crime, the criminal justice system nonetheless must hold them specifically accountable for the harm they have caused, especially when it is serious harm. There is a public expectation that it do so.
There also needs to be a component of the youth justice system that allows judges to specifically denounce very serious crimes. This is not to say that young people should not receive treatment and rehabilitation. We believe that denunciation is important to Canadian society, and especially to the victims and survivors, as it is an expression of the abhorrence of the actions of an individual and the harm that has been caused. We know that it can be healing for victims to hear a judge publicly acknowledge the harm they have suffered. We believe that it may also be beneficial for a young person's understanding of the true impact and consequence of his or her actions to hear the violent act denounced by a judge.
With regard to record-keeping, we believe that the provisions in the amendments will allow a judge or a justice to take into account a youth's full criminal history when considering a sentence and to thus determine what sentence is appropriate and if a custodial sentence is warranted. This amendment should not interfere with the discretionary powers of police or deter them from considering extrajudicial sanctions as an option for keeping a youth out of the justice system. Rather, it allows the youth court to pinpoint patterns of escalating frequency or severity of criminal behaviour.
Subclause 11(1) of Bill C-4 adds proposed subsection 64(1.1), which requires crown counsel to consider whether it would be appropriate to apply for an adult sentence in a particular case. If the crown decides not to apply for an adult sentence, they must inform the court that they are not doing so. We feel that this does not encroach on prosecutorial discretion; rather, it creates more openness and accountability in crown decision-making, something that victims and the public in general often request.
Regarding publication bans for youth, the provision that allows a judge to consider lifting a publication ban for a conviction in a violent offence is something we have long advocated. There has been an assumption that by not identifying youths, we are somehow protecting them. We have always questioned the wisdom of doing so for repeat serious young offenders. Part of accountability and responsibility is facing the community. Also, what protection are we offering innocent citizens who may not know of a young person's record of violence or sexual assault? As a society, we must remain cognizant of why we are protecting a young person and whether such protection is in keeping with the broader protection of all of society.
To conclude, I would like to say that we generally support the proposed amendments to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Unfortunately, the YCJA can only be reactive. It can only deal with people who have already broken the law. As a society, we must invest more strongly in social development programs to ensure that all children benefit. Schools, housing, social services, municipal planning, and other municipal services all have key roles to play in addressing local crime and community safety problems.
We must also remember that not all communities are able to provide social services equally. The YCJA must address some of those gaps legislatively, and it must recognize that there are offenders who require more serious interventions.
As I said previously, we support diversion programs to keep youths out of custody for non-violent offences. However, when we are dealing with serious violent crime, youths must be held accountable for their actions. For some who are very dangerous and/or out of control, the use of incarceration is necessary to protect the public.
Justice must be seen to be done, even when we are dealing with young offenders. When the justice system does not respond in a serious manner to serious harm no matter what the age of the perpetrator, the public loses confidence in the justice system.
We urge that the committee support this bill and the amendments to the YCJA as they are proposed.
At the end of our presentation, you'll find a couple of recommendations we've made in the past, specifically regarding the rights of victims in the YCJA.
Thank you.