Good evening, everyone.
I'm the president of a national parents organization, and before that I was involved in a number of parent support groups, going back almost three decades. During that time, we've done a lot of public opinion surveys, as well as having parents approach us. I'm passing on a lot of the opinions of parents who have come to us in desperation.
The public opinion surveys show that about 83% of the Canadian public supports the position that I'm about to present to you—that the current family law system is a major problem for parents. I'm speaking very bluntly here. The problem is that it's too costly, too inaccessible, too slow and too adversarial. Parents have lost confidence in the family court system in Canada. It doesn't resolve conflict. It doesn't work in children's interests. It's not fair. It's not efficient. It's not coherent and it's not responsible for its actions. It's arbitrary. Parents say the system is like a feudal system. Parents don't feel respected. They don't feel listened to in family court.
That said, I do support the aims of Bill C-78: the best interests of the child, accessibility of the courts, less poverty, reduced violence, improved child support. We also support the bill's movement from the terms “custody” and “access” to “parenting time” and “parenting orders”. This is perhaps just a symbolic change, but it's an important initiative in the right direction.
The real issue is whether a child will retain parenting time with both parents, not whether the adversarial legal system will profit from arbitrarily creating winners and losers. Parents want changes. Social science shows better outcomes in other jurisdictions around the world from a variety of somewhat similar approaches that I'm going to call equal shared parenting.
In these different jurisdictions, the terminology, the laws, the regulations and procedures vary, but all these approaches aim to keep both mother and father as full parents in the lives of their children. There are exceptions to equal shared parenting, but jurisdictions that get 30% to 90% of joint physical custody or equal shared parenting, or however you want to call it, show substantial improvement in the outcomes that were listed as the four objectives of Bill C-78.
In Europe, for example, equal shared parenting is made up of shared parenting plus recognition by governments of two homes for the children. A lot of other problems are recognized and solved. No longer can one parent deny the educational records of the child, or the health records, and it goes on.
In the United States, equal shared parenting is made up of joint physical custody. A number of states have moved essentially to joint physical custody and their laws vary, for example, between a law in Arizona and a law in Kentucky. There hasn't been movement away from shared parenting, as has been claimed, but the states are increasingly moving toward it against some pretty substantial opposition from the vested interests.
In Canada, there's a problem in that what we call joint custody is essentially sole custody with a coat of imaginary legal paint. The problem is that they call it “joint custody” but they say it's sole physical custody to one parent, which means that you cannot enforce one parent's side of the agreement. One parent's parenting time is not enforced; therefore, it's not a good agreement from the standpoint of that particular parent.
There is overwhelming scientific, peer-reviewed, accepted evidence that equal shared parenting is in the best interests of the child. I have some of it here from around the world. The problem is that, as far as I know, there is no evidence that Canada's primarily sole custody system acts or is in the best interests of the child. Parents don't believe it is, and by extension these parents blame the legal profession. They blame the judges, the laws and the parliamentarians who enabled, funded, regulated the system and appointed the judges.
I would like to cite a report by Supreme Court Justice Thomas Cromwell, “Beyond Wise Words”, which says that Canada's family law system is largely inaccessible.
You have a choice. You can either put substantially more funding from legal aid or social services, and a whole bunch of others, into the system, or you can try a system that is working in other jurisdictions, such as equal shared parenting in Australia, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and many other jurisdictions, where over 90% of parents retain their parenting time and decision-making, which essentially is the “equal” part of the equal shared parenting. They do that without going to court and without hiring lawyers.
I wanted to deal with the question of poverty. If you're dealing with child poverty, you're dealing with parental poverty. Family poverty is parental poverty, and the current adversarial system produces parental poverty. Equal shared parenting reduces costs to parents, so the parents can have more investment with their children, and that's the experience of these other jurisdictions.
Dealing with the question of family violence, this is part of a continuation from conflict, abuse, violence and criminal behaviour. However, equal shared parenting in the various jurisdictions is shown to reduce conflict. It reduces violence. Furthermore, the problem with the sole custody system is that violence and conflict increase over time because the problems are not resolved, whereas in the situation of equal shared parenting, conflict is reduced over time and there is research to support this.
The question of child support is also brought up as an objective of the bill. It is clear from the research that more child support is collected if the parents are under a joint custody regime, equal shared parenting, whereas the child support problems are largely in the sole custody situation.
Even though a number of legal scholars are increasingly accepting shared parenting—I would note Professor Nick Bala as an example—they don't accept the equality part of equal shared parenting. The question is, why do parents need equality? The inequality of parents means that one parent is relegated simply as a bystander. He is no longer a parent—he or she, as it's also happening increasingly to mothers. Half of our board members are women.
The problem is that once you are unequal, the court rulings are only enforced on one side. Therefore, the other parent can decide whether your parenting time is going to be respected or not. What we're looking for.... You can call it equal shared parenting; you can call it a starting point; you can call it rebuttable presumption; you can call it an onus. Whatever you call it, the outcome should be the same: keeping both fit parents in the lives of their children.
Professor Kruk mentioned first nations. We have shared the land with them, but we have 95% of that land. They're not equal in the land. With the native residential schools, the government claimed best interests, but it caused harm. There was no consultation with the parents.
To fix this problem, we want the Department of Justice and this committee to recognize parents as stakeholders. We want to collaborate with the government. We want to collaborate with Justice Canada, and we want to fix this problem, so that parents can go back to parenting and not spend their money and time in court.
Thank you.