Thank you very much for pointing that out. That's exactly what I was referring to.
That was the first iteration of this bill, Bill C-299. The committee did see the importance of that. They're the typical upload and download speeds. I think that's a very important thing to remember. The committee nailed it. They did say, “Government, you need to look at this.” Unfortunately, this government chose to go the policy directive type of way. Industry did not step up and say that there was a problem here, so here we are. We're back here and introducing legislation.
I honestly believe that legislation is the way to go. It is more transparent. I think it's a chance for all of us as parliamentarians to really wrap our arms around this and tell the Canadian people that this is important to Canadians and we recognize that. We don't do that enough here—this whole non-partisan way—and we get stuck in these different conversations that trap us. This is one that I think Canadians are really hoping that we pay attention to, especially when it comes down to the transparency on what service you are being offered and what service you get at the end of the day.