Thank you, Chair.
I'll just preface it by saying that I have had conversations with government officials. I understand that the information contained in the request that Mr. Ruff made would impact national security and public safety. What I'm going to propose is that we amend the motion to send the documents to the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, which would be the place where documents like that should be reviewed if there's a national security concern, with the condition that government officials provide to our committee by Monday confirmation as to the nature of the documents and their impact on national security and public safety. Then I would remove the last words from the motion: “to the Afghanistan committee for inclusion in the report due back in the House by the 8th of June, 2022.”
I'll get Charmain from my office just to send that to the clerk so that it can be distributed, but in essence, the change is leaving Mr. Ruff's motion identical up to the words “Special Committee on Afghanistan”, which would be removed. They would be replaced by....
I'll just read the whole thing, Chair: “That the Privy Council Office, Global Affairs Canada, and the Canadian Armed Forces and any other government department provide the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, subject to confirmation by government officials as to the nature of the documents and their impact on national security and public safety, by Monday, May 30, 2022, the already completed or draft after action review reports with respect to the evacuation of Kabul in August of 2021 from their respective departments.”