I have a few suggestions along that line. These are in order of preference, if you will.
I talked earlier about risk aversion. I think that's one of the big challenges that's getting in the way of bringing people to Canada. The way that challenge manifests is in biometric verification for applicants to the special immigration measures program. Without the ability to deliver biometrics in country, which we cannot do without a Canadian consular presence, they have to go to a third country before they can come to Canada. That means we have to deal with all the paperwork requirements to get them into that third country. Remember, most of the individuals we're talking to do not have passports. Without a passport they can't get a visa and without a visa they can't go into the country.
Again, these are some pieces that the government seems reticent to implement because of risk aversion. The ideal solution would be the ability to bring people to Canada without biometric verification and do the verification in Canada. That's the best solution.
If that's not possible, a solution to biometrics in country, in Afghanistan, is the second-best solution. If not, enhance communication at least with neighbouring countries, so that we can get people into those countries and do biometrics as quickly as possible. Things like a laissez-passer or a single use travel document that Canada could issue to Afghans to move into Pakistan, UAE, Tajikistan or anywhere where we have the ability to then provide biometric identification.
The last thing I will put in a plug for is for the Canadian government, through Global Affairs, to continue funding organizations within ASET, like Aman Lara, that are doing this evacuation work, and expanding what those funds can be used for as much as possible. At the moment they cannot be used for temporary accommodations, which are desperately needed, because of government policy. Anything the government can do to relax those constraints on the funding they're providing to organizations will be enormously helpful.