Obviously, this is very sensitive material. I understand we're in a public forum, but I will say this. Aman Lara has reached out to other Canadian entities that have established security records with the Government of Canada. For example, almost all of our staff are former military, so at one point they have held a high security clearance. There are other entities in Canada, for example Reticle out of Brockville, that have these security clearances. There are solutions that can be found. I believe we can provide a service in Afghanistan.
It's a little difficult for the Government of Canada to contract it directly, but I think organizations like ours, NGOs that can operate in Afghanistan, could potentially gather that information on the government's behalf and provide that to the Government of Canada in a secure format, with the appropriate equipment and the appropriate security clearances, to provide a high level of service.
That's the sort of thing we are advancing. We hope the Government of Canada will take us up on the offer.