Thank you very much. That is a very hot topic to begin with, but I can assure the panel that all our members—my members supporting the asset team—govern ourselves with best practices. We do not provide the de facto government direct funds. We cannot do that at this stage. We will not.
As for humanitarian assistance and work, and funds and development towards that, we know the UN is doing it. We know the UN is being provided support from the de facto government in providing escorts to move their charitable goods and their catering out into the field. It is happening at other levels.
I was back in-country last December, and I was meeting with many of the de facto government people in the ministry of the interior, the police departments, etc. They never come right out and ask for funds or any of that kind of stuff. It was one of those situations where we were not put into that position. It is a sensitive area we all have to be aware of. I think it should be something we look at more closely from the government's point of view.