Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. I am so happy to speak to all of you today, especially about my ancestral land of Afghanistan.
I come from Waziristan. As you may know, it was known as the most dangerous place on earth because of the terrorism and Talibanization there.
I grew up in that region, but I was known as “Genghis Khan” there, not as Maria. I grew up like a boy, so nobody knew, and then I eventually ended up in sports. My dad and my mom have worked in tribal areas all their life in Waziristan in educating girls. My dad believed that change had to start from our own family. He believed that sons and daughters are equal and gave me all the opportunities to be free and to excel. We didn't have schools or anything, so my mom did whatever she could do to educate the girls and ran a school there. My sister would go just encourage other girls.
Eventually, I turned professional squash player, though it was a very difficult journey on its own, because I did get threats on the way, a lot of harassment and abuse, and also threats from the Taliban. That was all part of it. I went into hiding for three years and sent emails all over the world to different colleges, universities and clubs, wherever I could find a squash court and an offer for a part-time job opportunity, asking them for time and help so that I could train myself. I came third in the world juniors and I won many international tournaments. I was 41st in the world.
All of this training was at the same time. I taught myself, because in this area and this region, the Pashtun region, in the mentality of the people there is so much patriarchy and conservatism. I know that the Taliban is one thing, but everyone there has the same mentality as the Taliban. This is the culture. They don't believe that women are equal. They don't believe that women should be going out or going to school or sports.
There are other reasons for that, because for centuries a lot of men have been shy and a lot of men cover their shyness under this umbrella of religion and culture. They say that women should not go out, but the reason is that there are no opportunities. There are no facilities where women can actually go. Also, in the schools, they can go to a certain level, but then, after that, there is again a lot of struggle. They're afraid that if something happens to their daughters on the way, it will be a big shame. There are a lot of things. I think education is needed there. A lot of awareness is needed.
I know that when I started, a lot of people were against me and my dad and my family. We had to move from area to area. Our house was attacked. My dad was put in a mental jail for educating his wife and daughters, but the thing is that now the people want him to come back, and now they want [Technical difficulty—Editor]. They give their daughters my name and my sister's name, so things can change, and I have seen the change.
In the area where I used to be the only girl playing sports, now there are 27 girls. They come in burkas and then change into track suits, and they run, they stretch, and then they run to the ball and jump and dive. They never thought they could do those things.
For me, it is my dream to see all those girls having that freedom. I have been going back to those areas. There was a time when the Taliban was everywhere. There were bomb blasts every day, but the times change and now I see that it is quite peaceful there compared with those times.
Afghanistan is my ancestral land because my great-grandfather was second to King Amanullah and we have land in the Khost area. We are in the Wazir tribe. The Wazir are the biggest main tribe in Waziristan. The Taliban are no different from me. By blood, we are all cousins. They understand my language, and I understand them. Whenever I send them a message through social media, they watch it and they do understand it. I have the following for that.
I know the psychology of my people. They are Pashtuns. If you treat them with love and respect, they will die for you. If you challenge them, it's a different mentality and they die for that too. In the beginning, I had difficulties in that region, but now, the more that I speak to them with love, care and respect, they listen. They also want to tell me that—