Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It's certainly a pleasure to be here today to have a chat with you about the COMPAS review. It is obviously early in the stages of reviewing the report. We haven't had a lot of time to digest it, but I think it's a good opportunity to have some initial discussion around the COMPAS review of the Canada Grain Act and the Canadian Grain Commission.
You have already introduced us. I will just comment that we have three commissioners at the Canadian Grain Commission: in addition to myself, we have Terry, and Albert, who is back in Winnipeg holding the fort. Albert is from Alberta. I am from Manitoba; my husband and I have a farm just south of Winnipeg. Terry is in Winnipeg now, but he has come to us from Saskatchewan and has had some involvement in the grain industry there.
As you may know, the Canadian Grain Commission administers the Canada Grain Act, which was established in Parliament in 1912. Our mandate, as set out in the act, is to, in the interests of producers, establish and maintain standards of grain quality and regulate grain handling in Canada to ensure a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets. This mandate involves the delivery of a national grain quality assurance system, with approximately 700 employees located throughout Canada.
The CGC is organized around four strategic outcomes that reflect our planned direction and the daily delivery of our program activities. Our four strategic outcomes are, firstly, a grain quality assurance system that addresses the changing requirements of domestic and international grain markets; secondly, grain quantity assurance that addresses the evolving needs of the grain industry; thirdly, research and development on grain quality that enhances the marketability of Canadian grain; and fourthly, support of producers' rights to ensure fair treatment within the grain handling system.
The Canada Grain Act has been modified on a number of occasions, but not significantly since the early 1970s. The last time the act was amended was in May 2005, when specific changes were made to bring Canada into compliance with the WTO commitments. During the legislative process, stakeholders requested an amendment calling for an independent, comprehensive review of the Canada Grain Act and the Canadian Grain Commission.
Upon passage of the bill, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada was tasked with hiring a consultant to complete this review. COMPAS, a public opinion and research firm, was the successful candidate in the competitive process. Throughout this review, the CGC provided supportive information but had no direct influence on the final report. The COMPAS report is now complete and has been tabled in Parliament for consideration by parliamentarians such as yourselves.
This brings us, obviously, to today's business. As I mentioned, there is a general sentiment among some sector participants that change is needed for Canada to maintain its reputation and competitiveness in international grain markets. There is no question that the industry is changing, and we agree that it is time to consider change for the CGC.
We are facing numerous challenges, both as the Canadian Grain Commission and as an industry as a whole. Over the past 15 years, we have witnessed the removal of transportation subsidies, many grain company mergers, the rise of high-throughput concrete elevators, altered transportation patterns and conveyance options, increasing demand for grain quality and grain safety assurance, many technological advancements, and evolving end-user needs and preferences. Despite these changes, grain quality assurance continues to be essential to the success of Canada's grain sector and is likely more important now than ever before.
While our legislation has not been substantively updated to keep pace with these changes, the CGC has continued to deliver its mandate in a relevant manner. We have achieved this through policy and regulatory initiatives, and prioritizing resources to emerging issues.
For example, our current organizational priorities are to enhance Canada's grading system with our wheat quality assurance strategy to address the challenges of visually indistinguishable wheat varieties and the constraints of kernel visual distinguishability, or KVD, as we more commonly refer to it.
The second priority is to strengthen the grain safety assurance by developing new and improved objective testing methods for toxic substances.
The third priority is to respond to grain-related trade issues to enhance the acceptance of Canadian grain in a changing regulatory and global environment.
The fourth priority is to enhance our licensing and security program, which we call our licensing and compliance initiative, to ensure that companies handling western Canadian grain are in compliance with their legal obligations.
That's just a bit of background. Now I would like to discuss the contents of the COMPAS report. In general, the report is reflective of stakeholder positions on various issues. The COMPAS report recognizes the ongoing value of CGC's role in the grain sector. We are pleased that it reaffirms our mandate with respect to establishing and maintaining standards of quality for Canadian grain and regulating grain handling in Canada to ensure a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets.
We are also in favour of bringing clarity to the phrase “in the interests of producers”, although the details of this still need to be sorted out. Specifically, the report also recognizes the value of the CGC's grain research laboratory and its linkage to the competiveness of our grain exports.
Additionally, COMPAS suggests that CGC consult on an alternative to our current security program. We agree that this is important, and we have been seeking feedback on this issue for numerous years. In the meantime, we are moving forward with our licensing and compliance initiative.
The report also provides some useful direction on the issue of funding. For instance, the report recommends that grain quality and quantity assurance infrastructure be publicly funded, while incremental costs associated with service delivery be cost-recovered. However, it will be a significant challenge to define what CGC activities should be considered infrastructure, and if so, to what extent they should be publicly funded. This is something that needs to be defined as we move forward.
In its efforts to address the subject of grain quality assurance and specifically KVD, kernel visual distinguishability, COMPAS recommends that the federal government commit itself to developing fast, economical technologies for varietal identification testing. In the absence of an immediate solution to KVD, the report affirms the direction we have taken with our wheat quality restructuring proposal.
Overall the report provides about 102 recommendations, but many require further analysis and discussion. A number of these may be difficult and/or costly to implement. For example, the report recommends that inward inspection at terminal elevators become optional and be contracted out to the private sector. Simultaneously, the report suggests that the CGC maintain a capacity to deliver the same service. These recommendations may be somewhat contradictory or at least are not the most efficient way to establish cost-efficient services.
This recommendation also appears to introduce the concept of publicly subsidizing some industry participants to limit the costs of optional inward inspection to maintain industry competitiveness. We feel this would be a significant change in direction and needs careful consideration.
COMPAS has also recommended that a binding arbitration mechanism be established, as appeals to the court are slow and expensive. However, there is no guarantee that this will result in decreased costs or more informed decisions than the current structure, which already has a quasi-judicial nature. It is likely that if stakeholders do not like the results from this recommended arbitration mechanism, they will still proceed to the court action.
In addition, the report does not address the potential costs of all the recommendations. Implementing all the proposed recommendations would result in a significant cost to the inspector, including producers, and increased funding requirements for the Canadian Grain Commission. The potential costs or benefits flowing from implementing individual recommendations require further study.
Although these are just a few examples, for the sake of time I will leave others to be addressed during the question-and-answer portion of the session.
In terms of next steps, the Canadian Grain Commission will continue to assess and analyze the COMPAS recommendations and work with the minister to determine an appropriate course of action. Legislative change will depend on the government's parliamentary agenda, but we hope that any changes to the Canada Grain Act will be comprehensive.
In closing, I would like to thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the standing committee, for the opportunity to present to you some of our perspectives on the review. The COMPAS report provides a very good base for moving forward. In the meantime, the Canadian Grain Commission will continue to deliver on its mandate to serve the interests of producers and the entire grain sector.
Again, it's a pleasure to be here today, and we look forward to answering your questions.