As you know, the report was released last Monday. We are still working through the report ourselves.
In terms of prioritizing, I'm not sure whether we'll be prioritizing specifically or whether we'll be looking at a plan for the future that encompasses many of the recommendations that would move the CGC forward with the industry but accommodate some of the things that are in the COMPAS report. I'm not sure that we will go through them line by line and prioritize them, but we need to spend some more time doing an analysis of those recommendations and making some preliminary costings. I say “preliminary”, because some of them we don't feel are very operationally feasible, so we're not going to spend a lot of time costing something that perhaps is something we don't feel can be easily implemented. But we do need to do a preliminary costing and we need to do some analysis as to how the recommendations fit into a Canadian Grain Commission going forward. We will be working on that in the next few weeks and bringing something back to the minister with our views on that.