I have one small comment. Again going back to the ethanol question and the technological solution, Chris is absolutely correct, and I agree with the recommendation that COMPAS has made. If there is a solution to this, it's going to come from the technology side. The only way we're going to get there is with a more concerted effort, one that is going to require more funding in terms of finding a technological solution than we currently have capacity to do.
Going back to your question regarding the funding for the CGC, I think the right approach—and it is really the fundamental question to a large extent—is to decide what it is we think the CGC needs to do, as we move into the future, to deal with the needs of a changing industry, and one that adequately adds value to everybody from farmers throughout the rest of the chain, and then deal with the funding question at the end of that time. How you deal with funding ultimately will become a question of some combination of government appropriation or fees, or either/or. I think that's the last question and I really do believe it's part of the solution to this issue.