I believe that a conservative ideology is beginning to emerge. It’s been happening, in the case of the Canadian Wheat board, even if we don’t want to see it and it’s obvious in what we’re doing with the Canadian Wheat Board, privatization and deregulation. We know that the Conservative Party has always put forward this type of policy.
I’m talking to the National Farms Union. When COMPAS appeared before us, I didn’t really have an answer concerning the scope of the consultation, that is whether the producers had really been consulted and how many of them had been consulted. I mentioned the list that we were given. The names that appear on the list are the names of people whose opinion was sought. It’s not quite clear. I hear you and I am not convinced that the general direction of the report reflects the changes that these producers want us to put in place.
We all know that the commission’s situation must be reviewed, but for you, was it important that so many changes be brought? If so, what changes would you like that aren’t mentioned in the report?