I can comment on that.
Just to clarify, first of all, the report envisions that the CGC is still going to have oversight and it's still going to set the standards for what service is going to be provided. The other point to note is with the removal of mandatory inward weighing and inspection there should be theoretically less demand for their services, so there would be less requirement for it.
Just to speak to a situation that we have out there today, we have the CGC, which provides official weighing and inspection--and you have to have it--and due to lack of funding they are closing down service centres. So they are requiring that you use the service, but they're not prepared to provide it. It causes a huge gap out there.
We're saying if you're not prepared to provide the service, at least open it up so we can use other people, who are underneath your umbrella, to provide that particular service. What that will do is introduce an element of competition out there, because you have more than one game in town offering their services at a fair price. So there's a competition component on the price. There's also a competition component on the service, because we've criticized the CGC in the past for providing inconsistencies in grading, and if we introduce other agencies, the use will gravitate to those that can consistently provide excellent service.