I'm going to zero in on the apple industry.
As you probably know, the survival of apple growers in British Columbia is at stake, as I'm sure it is in other parts of Canada. One reason is that we have cheap Washington apples being dumped into our province. Does this problem exist in Ontario and Quebec? That's my first question.
Secondly, what can be done? I've had discussions with BC Fruit Growers on some of these issues, but I don't see any policy being discussed or formulated. Should there be a duty? We're talking about the Americans and how they react, softwood duties, all that. Should we have a floor price, so that our people can compete and at least be assured of a minimum price? The supply management system works in other sectors. Should we be doing that, and can it be standardized?
That's one of the main concerns I have seen, at least from my part of the country. I'd like to get some feedback and see if there is some kind of comprehensive approach that can be undertaken.