Thank you for your presentations.
I'm always very interested in hearing what those directly involved, the farmers, have to say. I look upon them as the experts. We, the politicians, sometimes have a tendency to come up with ready-made solutions, to believe that we can solve everyone's problems and that we know everything, when in fact the opposite is true. It's important to meet with front-line workers and to find out from them what's working, and what isn't, so that we can go back to the government powers-that-be and lobby for the right changes.
Unfortunately, the message doesn't always manage to get through to governments. Remember the case of the CAIS program . The government that took office nine months ago pledged during the election campaign to overhaul the CAIS program. All kinds of promises were made and to date, nothing has been done.
You're telling us today that in many instances, growers do not have access to insurance and that nothing has really changed at all. You've proposed some very interesting solutions, but how do you explain the fact that nine months later, the government has yet to respond?