No. The only calculation we've done is what you see in front of you, and that's our best guess. That's why at this point we are not asking for implementation of a NISA-like tier, we are asking to explore putting a NISA-like tier at the top of CAIS. We would very much like the department to get the mandate to be able to do that research so we could look at the merits of doing it that way.
With regard to companion programs, when we had companion programs in place previously, they were there with a lot less money in the total agricultural file than we currently have. What we're saying about companion programs isn't that we necessarily need a large block of extra money on top of what the industry is currently getting. All we are asking for now is the provision that provinces can use some of the 60¢ per federal dollar that flows into the province, if they contribute their 40¢, to develop companion programs.
Further analysis would have to be done on how much a companion program would be a CAIS offset--because CAIS is a demand program--and on how much it would save there and in fact pay for the companion program.