Thank you for the question.
Without knowing the source of the hay from the United States, or the place of arrival, I can't comment on the phytosanitary concern that could create some of that. So I don't know. I could follow up a little more, from a phytosanitary perspective, with what it is you're referring to.
From a quality perspective, however, you did say that colour...and no doubt there are other factors that would impact on the movement of hay. Again, this is not a phytosanitary concern, so I wouldn't be up on those other quality factors that would impede the trade.
Quite frankly, unfortunately, I'm just not in a position to really be able to comment without getting a bit more information as to the source in the United States and where into Canada. With that information, I could deal with the phytosanitary issues, if any, that would be arising. Then I'd be able to properly respond to your question.