There is another issue. There are people who seem to think that water might become one of the next big agriculture issues, mainly because of the amount of irrigation that goes on in the midwest. Frankly, I've travelled through there, and I can't imagine how a society, or a government, can justify how much water gets used in basically desert conditions. But that's an opinion.
Another opinion I have is that water should never be treated like a commodity such as wheat or oil or lumber or whatever. That's something I believe very strongly in, and I will push my government on that issue. It's something I'm a big pusher for.
The Great Lakes basin covers just about 50%--within a million of 50% of the population--of Canadians. In your opinion, do you see that the diversion of water is moving to the front burner, so to speak, in the near future? Is there much discussion on that? What direction do you think the U.S. is headed on this?