Yes, one thing that's overlooked here a bit is that the Wheat Board's only mandate is wheat and barley. If they keep on selling that, they're going to go the way of the dodo bird.
In my area, wheat is a crop of last resort. You don't sow it unless you have to work it into the rotation. You sow peas, canola, chickpeas, beans, flax, oats—anything but wheat. Because if it was worth it, and the Wheat Board was doing a job of selling it, as it used to.... The country was gold in the fall. Now you make a trip down the road for 150 miles and you hardly see any gold; it's always yellow and white, because there isn't any wheat left in the province. This is coming from a producer's point of view.
You have to look around and see what's going on in the country. So I think that's a point here, that wheat only makes up about 30% or 40% of the marketing in Canada in the Wheat Board any more. Canola has far superior marketing now than wheat, and canola is just one crop. So if the open market is so bad, why are the open-market crops doing so much better? That's just a point I'm raising to you.