Thank you, gentlemen, for your presentations. I'll start with Dr. Loyns. It was interesting. Yesterday's task force report came down with no economic analysis whatsoever. We know the task force heard submissions from Cargill, Agricore United, and the Canadian Wheat Board.
We know the Canadian Wheat Board tabled a presentation saying the net benefit to the producers as a result of the Wheat Board single-desk selling is somewhere between $530 million and $655 million. From those opposed to the Wheat Board, we hear a lot of what ifs, but no data.
Dr. Loyns, you mentioned that we should refer to the George Morris Centre report. If I recall correctly, in terms of the economic data, the George Morris report is really based on the Carter-Loyns report of which you were an author.
I believe I'm correct in this, that your report was not well received by either the academic community or key industry players like the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool or the Canadian Grain Commission, and the calculations in your report were based on comparing farm-gate sales between the two countries without accounting for the distortions caused by bloated American subsidies, including the export enhancement program. Is that how your calculations were calculated?