I'm glad you don't have wheat in your riding. You'd have really strong opinions on this.
I'll answer two or three things, since you raised them, and I'm happy to answer the supply management question as well. One is, of course, that the list I proposed for the voters list for the directors is entirely consistent with the Canadian Wheat Board's own recommendations from its own review panel last year. In fact, it's more generous than their own recommendations. It's a broader list. They said that a producer should have to deliver at least 40 tonnes of grain in order to be considered eligible for the director elections. I've just said any amount. If they've delivered grain in the last two years, they should be on the directors list. In fact, anybody who isn't on that automatically just has to sign a statutory declaration that they've been involved in the wheat industry somehow, that they're a feed dealer or whatever else, and they'll be added to the list. It's very easy to be added. But it's entirely consistent with the Wheat Board's own recommendations from its review panel from last year. So this is not draconian, this is consistent.
Also, the task force was tasked with coming up with a transition that would let the Wheat Board remain viable but that would transition to marketing choice. I think what farmers don't want is something where they have a Wheat Board one day and they don't have a Wheat Board after that.