The goal of the program is to help that farm family that is struggling because of their income levels--give them a breather and encourage them to think about what they may do. It's up to them, their choice, whether they want to look at the operation and do a real thorough assessment, or whether they do want to consider perhaps some other training for more off-farm income or set up an off-farm business. It's to give them that option. So it really is their choice. It's a pilot program. It's not meant to be long-term income support. It really is designed to encourage them to consider participation in these programs.
The farm assessment and CASS programs have been around since the start of the agricultural policy framework in 2003. We were starting to see increased uptake and were getting some good results back from people who had used the programs. We felt that encouraging more people to use the programs would be a very positive thing. They don't have to exit farming to be eligible. They just commit to taking a look. They can make the choice of which service they use. We haven't said they have to use both--they can if they want to, though. Based on the feedback we've had on these services we felt it would be beneficial for them.