In terms of any overpayments, if you will, or advance payments that have to be repaid by producers, as we calculate their inventory cheque, if there's an amount on the books that's owed by the producer, we will deduct that amount from their inventory payment.
Federally we expect to have completed the 2003-04 inventory payments by December 31. That is the bulk of the money for all jurisdictions that will, under the $900 million--I believe it's close to $755 million, or $760 million--be paid out by the end of the year. But if a producer still has a debt and it's sitting on the books as of January 1, then as the policy currently stands, interest will now start to accrue as of January 1. If they get a 2005 payment early January or February, then we'll collect it there and that will be the end of it.
So those are the kinds of timelines there.