We're certainly fully aware of the CFA's proposal with respect to a NISA-like, contributory-style savings program as a top-up companion program to deal with regional flexibility, etc. When ministers tasked officials to come up with addressing the issue of a separate income stabilization program and disaster relief program, they did form a task team of producers and officials to look at what the options were to have a better income stabilization program. One of the options considered was a NISA-style program. The task team concluded that a better margin-based program was the way to go.
So NISA was considered, and we're very aware that the industry still very much wants to have a NISA-style program on top, if you will, of a margin-based program. But in terms of the process that we went through, we worked with producers to actually build the program options that we're now taking to ministers next week.
So we started with producers right from the ground floor. It was a small set of producers, mind you, but they were all recognized, well-respected producers who actually worked with officials to say, here's the program, here are the options, and here's our recommended program. We took those recommendations through the various consulting bodies, like the National CAIS Committee, the National Safety Nets Advisory Committee, and the national organizations, and said, this is what's being recommended. They actually supported the direction on all three fronts—disaster relief, production insurance, and margin-based. But as you have alluded to, they've said there's still more that needs to be done, and the NISA-style program is an option.