About 65% of the grain through Thunder Bay is Wheat Board grain. The remainder is non-board. We have a variety of users of the port system, and there doesn't seem to be a real consensus as to the effect the Wheat Board and its single desk would have if it were modified. There are those who say they would get more grain through the port. Others say it would be poor for the port. I don't really know the answer to that. There are a lot of variables in play.
Certainly the ocean vessels are not being utilized by the Wheat Board, whereas they are being used by the grain companies for their non-board shipments. The direct rail program is entirely Wheat Board grain. So from that aspect it's really difficult to determine the exact effect a change to the Wheat Board would have on transportation. We consider the seaway and the port to be a viable system under all conditions, so whether that changes or not....
There is also the fact that the Wheat Board ships a lot of grain through Churchill. It's always been a sore point with Thunder Bay, given that it serves the same markets under different subsidy conditions. If that grain were to come back to Thunder Bay, I guess we'd consider it a good thing.