With regard to your other question, Wayne, the timeframe given for this was to come up with finding some solution, not to take responsibility for import control. We made it clear to the minister that he'd have to implement some kind of import control. But for the rest, compositional standards and other issues of debate facing producers and processors, it would be nice to come to a conclusion or compromise between the two groups before we took any steps of decision in import control. Basically it's establishing a long-term plan or long-term dairy policy, that both parties agree that Minister Strahl knows what he has as a compromise before he takes any action, because one could undermine the other.
For example, I think Yves Leroux raised a while ago the structural surplus we have in Canada and so on. There is stuff we can do with processors, but to a certain extent.... On compositional standards, we have a very big question about the future in terms of having a protected supply management that satisfies producers and processors.
As to the timeframe and why it's so short, whatever we do, we feel that we need some kind of legislation process in order to get these things done. After that, the legislation process is very long. We have to decide this fairly shortly.