I'm going to tell you about prices in Quebec these days. Prices aren't the same across Canada, I believe. According to an American reference based on various markets, I can tell you that the price in Quebec this fall was 35¢ less per kilo than the U.S. price. We asked the Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires to freeze the price. It's now 16¢ lower than the American price. The difference used to stand around roughly 1¢.
Since September 2005, and more particularly since the summer, prices have collapsed. At our slaughterhouses, we're told they can't pay more. In Quebec, there's collective marketing system based on auctions. There's a big buyer, and the big buyer says it can't pay the price. It sets the price. The others obviously follow it. We now figure things can't continue like this any longer. We're asking that the price be equivalent to that of other years. For the moment, it's 2¢. The Régie has not issued a decision on the subject.