Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank everybody who has taken time out of their busy schedules for today's situation to make their presentations.
I know that Mr. Finlay has been advocating at cabinet and to the Prime Minister and caucus for a buyout for the industry. As a caucus member and a fellow farmer who knows what a crisis is, who's gone through BSE, I don't fully understand all the implications. I know you guys have a huge capital investment in your operations, there's a regulatory situation, and I understand there's competition coming in from other sources as well that is impacting upon you.
Try to paint the picture for me a little bit. When you're talking about transition, what are alternative crops? I'm hoping you guys aren't going to just walk away from your farms and see all this land go idle. I hope there are alternatives out there. What alternatives are there? What's going to happen in your communities as you move forward?
Exactly what is it that you're asking us to take forward to the government? What is the exact buyout and transition program that you're talking about?