I'll begin by expressing my view this way. I think the debate has become very divisive and totally unnecessary.
First of all, yes, there are people who have the view of the Western Canada Wheat Growers, of course, and that's their right to have that view. Nevertheless, at the end of the day you have to come to a conclusion on how you're going to move forward. Our view is very simple. Farmers in western Canada should have exactly the same opportunity to decide on what kind of marketing organization they have as farmers in Quebec and Ontario.
In Ontario, their farmers have said they don't want a wheat board or they don't want the kind of wheat board that they had; they want more of an open system. So that's been introduced there. Farmers in Quebec, counter to that, have said they want a single desk system, and now that's been implemented.
This is a farmers' issue in western Canada. Farmers are businessmen. They know what they want. They know what their vote means. They're able to express their business interests. All we're asking is, just let them do it.
Adrian, do you have anything to add?