Yes, I agree with the amendment, and I agree with Michael. I think it is a recommendation to the minister, and probably also to the parliamentary secretaries here, and I imagine you're hearing it in your area as well. I've heard a lot of dissatisfaction with the one location in the Maritimes. That one's over now, and I don't think there's any sense going back to it in that particular area. But there aren't enough locations.
I think this recommendation is just saying, with the amendment to it, that if the minister, and maybe David and a couple of others, could sit down and find more locations, maybe it will end up being two in Ontario and one in Quebec, and maybe even in B.C. I don't know, Alex.
The department, in its original first blush on this, laid out a series of consultations, and we do think they need to be added to, and I think we'd have confidence that you'd add to them in a more convenient location so that people could get out.