I think one of the main reasons the task force was set up was that the price of glyphosate dropped enough that the companies were concerned about it. That was some of the primary pressure, and now hopefully we've switched and we've put enough pressure on so that we'll be able to do something jointly with the United States. We've been pushing for that for years.
I'm just wondering why Avadex and Fargo were the first chemicals given the NAFTA label? I like this idea of the NAFTA label, but those are declining products. They're ones we used a lot of years ago, and they have been fairly stagnant, if not declining, over the last few years. I see Monsanto sold them to someone else now.
I'm just wondering if any of the major companies are involved in this NAFTA labelling. Are they moving ahead with products that are current? You're talking about closing the technology gap. Are we moving on some of the newer products, or is it going to be a list of older products that...?