The cooperation of the registrants has to be there to recognize what we're trying to move to. We're removing regulatory differences between Canada and the U.S. as a basis for price discrimination. You really have to have acceptance that we're moving to a North American pricing basis. That's why the task force and Craig have said to leave OUI at the ready, to be reintroduced if that kind of cooperation isn't there, if we don't see the kind of pricing discipline that's in place, because that is one of the key measures.
We're concerned that if we don't move rapidly on all four fronts at once, we're going to lose an opportunity to narrow the technology gap, to get a stronger generic industry in Canada, to move toward price equivalency.
We also hear the same thing. Until you have some evidence out about what products would come in under GROU—and this is just the first list—the idea would be that we should move to include all registered products, or as many as possible, where that equivalency is. But we're facing the question of what is going to be the first step, and there are some reasons why trying to have both programs in place is going to limit interest.
The second point I'd like to make is that the task force was set up fourteen months ago to address the issue of equivalency. I think PMRA has made it very clear that there are issues of equivalency that would have to be addressed, and there's also the issue of protection of intellectual property.
Until we can address the very reasons the task force was set up, I think we're faced with some challenges in trying to say we would have both programs at the same time.