My apologies.
We have been pleased to work with our industry partners and also with government officials on this initiative.
Throughout this process, ANAC has been a leader in its support for the new ban, and we will continue to be leaders in ensuring that the ban is implemented by July 12 of this year. In mid-March, for example, ANAC will launch a new website that features a communication campaign for commercial feed mills, educating them on the enhanced ban and reminding them of their commitments under the original 1997 regulations. Our material will include an educational component as well as interpretation bulletins on technical aspects of the new regulations. We hope this will be of use to our suppliers and also, very importantly, to our customers.
Through this enhanced feed ban, Canada has signalled its intent to eradicate BSE in as short a time as possible, and it is therefore imperative that the government and industry stand by the July 12 commitment. Having said that, it's also very important that this committee be aware of the extraordinary challenges that lie before this industry--and my colleagues here--and also government between now and July 12.
The enhanced feed ban is, in short, an immensely complicated initiative. It requires the active participation of the federal and all provincial governments across this country. That includes CFIA and Agriculture Canada and also the provincial ministries of agriculture, environment, and in some cases even health. It also requires a very high level of federal and provincial coordination, particularly in the areas of financial and other supports to industry.
The new regulations will also affect many different sectors: cattle producers, dead stock collectors, renderers, packers, feed manufacturers, fertilizer manufacturers, and the list really does go on.
In order to segregate SRM, as required under the new regulation, packers and renderers will need to invest in and execute significant infrastructure changes to their organizations. In addition, the ban will create the extraordinary challenge of addressing SRM disposal, as I'm sure many of you have already heard before. SRM will essentially, after July 12, have no value, but it will require that industry and government create and execute an effective disposal system.
In addition to making infrastructure changes and changes to procedures in virtually all industries, industries will also need to coordinate the timing of their respective activities to ensure that SRM is completely out of the supply chain by July 12. This is a very important point. If we want SRM off farms by July 12, we need it out of feed mills well in advance of this date, and this in turn will require that packers begin segregating SRM earlier still. All of this will need to be coordinated largely on a voluntary basis, because the regulations really come into effect for every industry on that July 12 deadline.
Recognizing these challenges, the Canadian Meat Council and ANAC commissioned a situation report on the enhanced feed ban, which I believe the Meat Council has tabled with the committee. This report was developed with input also from the Canadian Cattlemen's Association and the major rendering companies, including Rothsay, which is represented here today.
The report describes the practical realities of the feed ban, including the range of issues that need to be managed by July 12. First and foremost, the report recognizes the need for a staged implementation of the ban. For planning purposes, we have collectively recommended that SRM-free meat and bone meal be available for sale to feed mills by May 1 of this year. This will allow 11 weeks for SRM to clear through the supply chain and be cleared off farms. But this also means that packers and renderers and all disposal solutions need to be sorted out and in place before May 1, which is less than 11 weeks from today.
I want to be clear that we stand ready to do what is necessary to meet July 12. But it is impossible for industry to meet the deadline without swift government action to provide the necessary support. The situation report that we've prepared outlines the need for action in four key areas.
First is the confirmation and delivery of capital funding for plant equipment and transportation. For plants to build the infrastructure to segregate SRM, significant capital investment is required. In 2006 the federal government confirmed $80 million as part of a federal-provincial cost sharing agreement, but to date none of that money has flowed to industry in any province. Given the time needed for equipment to be ordered and infrastructure changes to be made, that funding needs to be delivered as soon as possible.
Second, we require clarification around specific regulatory and technical criteria in all the industries affected by the regulation. To adopt the procedures and requirements in the new ban, all our industries require some clarification from CFIA, and it's critical that we have that in place as soon as possible, so we can begin implementing the ban as effectively as possible.
Third, we still need to sort out short- and long-term solutions for SRM disposal. Disposal capabilities may very well be the biggest challenge in implementing the new ban. It will take time to build and to permit the permanent disposal infrastructure. Given this, there's no doubt that short-term or transitional measures will have to be put in place by July 12 and even before that, for May 1. Beyond the short term, we will also need to work together, industry and government, to identify long-term alternatives for disposal of this material.
Finally, we need to clarify short- and long-term support for disposal operating costs. Even if disposal options are available, we do anticipate that the cost will be prohibitive and will certainly have a significant impact on small processors and on dead stock pickup. To effectively achieve SRM disposal and keep the processing sector viable, it may be necessary to subsidize a portion of these costs.
A report was delivered to the Minister of Agriculture, to Agriculture Canada, to CFIA, and to every province across the country in early November. Since then we have seen a great deal of movement. We were very encouraged that in late 2006 CFIA established a task force to oversee coordination of the enhanced feed ban. We view this as a very positive development and we commend CFIA president and senior vice-presidents for taking leadership on this file.
Under the task force chair, Freeman Libby, the task force has set out a clear workplan and a plan for overseeing the ban and for coordinating with provinces and with industry. While ANAC is confident in the task force's ability, it's also clear that time is working against them. Even today, none of the federal-provincial funding agreements have been signed that we're aware of, and only one province, Alberta, has confirmed the details of its capital support program to industry. This makes it challenging for industry to implement the necessary permanent changes, particularly around SRM disposal.
It is increasingly clear that permanent SRM disposal infrastructure will not be in place across the country on July 12, let alone May 1, when we expect feed companies to stop purchasing the product, and if SRM-free material is not available on May 1, many feed mills will just stop using meat and bone meal altogether, making the disposal issues even more complicated. On July 12, feed mills will have no choice, obviously, but to stop using the product.
We're particularly concerned that SRM segregation and disposal must be made a priority, and if SRM disposal systems are not put in place, the entire feed ban will be placed in jeopardy.
Thank you very much.